Orange County NC Website
<br />Chair Carey said that the school collaboration group talked about when the schools <br />would have access to the money and they discussed some of these options. He recognized the <br />chairperson of the OCS Board, who was in attendance. <br />OCS Board Chair Dennis Whitling said that they did talk about this, and from a school <br />standpoint, they like the flexibility. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there are a lot of typos in this document. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the County's Capital Funding Policy which included the intent to use the anticipated NC <br />Education Lottery proceeds for funding of school recurring capital and also included the intent, <br />in the future, to present draft Capital Investment Plans in the fall. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />I. Energy Conservation Amendment to Board of County Commissioners Planning <br />Principle #3 <br />The Board considered modifying a BOCC adapted planning principle for the <br />comprehensive plan to include energy conservation as a linchpin to promoting air quality and <br />effective transportation. <br />Commissioner Gordon read the original language of the third principle, which was <br />"Encouraging Air Protection and Development of an Effective Transportation System." She said <br />that the language in the first part of the revised principle is fine. She suggested changing the <br />language in the second part to say, "....while promoting both air quality protection and the <br />development of an effective transportation system." She asked if "development of an effective <br />transportation system" was left off for a reason. Commissioner Nelson said na and that he <br />would agree with this change. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />amend the principle as revised (with changes by Commissioner Gordon) and forward to the <br />Planning Board for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan update process. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />5. Public Hearings -NONE <br />6. Reaular Aaenda <br />a. Orange County Speedway 2007 EMS Coverage Contract <br />The Board considered contracting with Speedway Management for the provision of <br />Emergency Medical coverage to ensure public safety at public events at the Orange County <br />Speedway and authorizing the Chair to sign upon review by the County Attorney. <br />Interim Emergency Management Director Kent McKenzie said that there are <br />recommended fee reductions for special event coverage for EMS in the packet. The staff met <br />with Vance Agee and Kim Foushee from the Orange County Speedway last week, and they <br />found two more areas to reduce some of the time on scene to help reduce the fees. <br />Public Comment: <br />Vance Agee said that he would like to review any revisions that are made in writing. <br />Kim Foushee said that she appreciates all of the work by Kent McKenzie and his staff. <br />She said that it was acknowledged by Kent McKenzie's staff and with the presentation that <br />there was a 15% overage that the speedway paid last year. She asked that the Board consider <br />giving the speedway a credit far this. <br />Chair Carey said that at the last meeting there was a draft contract and it was his <br />understanding that this would be reviewed by all parties. Kent McKenzie said that this is still <br />pending final review from the County Attorney's office. <br />