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6 <br /> Over 50 persons attended this input session, held in the cafeteria of the NHSC. � <br /> Representatives completed a survey about preferences for the future uses at the <br /> site. There were mixed opinions about whether to try and retain the ' <br /> cafeteria/gymnasium "center mass" of the facility and retrofit it with new restrooms ', <br /> and upgraded facilities, or to memorialize and document the existing facility before , <br /> taking it down for a new community facility. However, there was strong consensus ' <br /> on the types of activities and uses that residents favored for this location, including: , <br /> • Large meeting room for community meetings, family reunions, <br /> • Stage area for performances, <br /> • Warming (catering) kitchen, ' <br /> • Rooms for classes, summer camps and gams or some indoor athletics, and ' <br /> � A cellular phone tower that improved area phone reception <br /> Respondees were unanimous that they would personally use a facility along these '�, <br /> lines. <br /> Follow-up Discussions and Proposed Next Steps ', <br /> After tallying survey results and a dot-voting exercise conducted at the meeting, <br /> staff inet on two occasions to discuss how to proceed. A report to the Board of ', <br /> Commissioners on the activities to date, and another community input session were <br /> deemed to be the most prudent next steps. ', <br /> From the first input session, it was clear that residents have a strong sense of place , <br /> and community in being from Cedar Grove, and an attachment to some level of <br /> service provision in the community. It was also clear that many present desired <br /> additional information - both about the current status of the existing structure, and ' <br /> about °what could be" in the way of a new facility. A "vision" of what could be <br /> seemed to be one key piece that meeting attendees desired to be able to see and <br /> discuss. <br /> In that light, staff proposes the following course of action: ' <br /> 1. That this status report be shared with the BOCC as final CIP decisions are ' <br /> considered to provide an opportunity to provide feedback. (June), , <br /> 2. That a letter be sent to the public input sessions participants thanking them <br /> for their assistance and attendance, and identifying these next steps and ' <br /> timetable. (June), ' <br /> 3. The staff work on developing visual images of both the current <br /> gymnasium/cafeteria (identifying and acknowledging both the opportunities <br /> and unique architectural features of the existing building, and the deficiencies <br /> of a 62-year old building with outdated facilities and infrastructure); and a <br />