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10 <br /> If this is the will of the Board, staff can be directed to make the change. <br /> From our standpoint there is nothing in the proposed amendment <br /> preventing a property owner from participating in a net metering program. <br /> 7. Both BOCC and Planning Board members suggested screening and <br /> buffering requirements denoted in Section 5.9.6 (A) (1) (h) were <br /> unnecessary. A general comment was made that the noise generated <br /> from such a facility would be no more than a heating/cooling system. A <br /> BOCC member asked for additional clarification on what exactly we were <br /> attempting to accomplish with the standard and how the size of the <br /> mechanical unit associated with a solar array compared with other devices <br /> located on residential property. <br /> Staff Comment. Staff concedes the point we do not require the buffering <br /> or shielding of HVAC equipment on residential lots. <br /> Our original goal was to provide separation for equipment that was high <br /> voltage in nature, may generate a constant noise or hum, and be <br /> susceptible to damage (i.e. falling tree debris, grass clippings, etc.) with a <br /> barrier of some form for protection and to address potential conflicts with <br /> adjacent property owners. <br /> As there appears to be consensus from both Planning and BOCC <br /> members on this matter, staff has revised the section to read as follows: <br /> All mechanical equipment associated with, and necessary for, <br /> the operation of the array shall be shielded to avoid damage. <br /> This shielding may take the form of a small enclosed structure <br /> properly vented to allow for air flow, fence, or landscape <br /> hedge. <br /> Whatever shielding the property owner deems appropriate based on the <br /> listed suggestions will satisfy the Ordinance requirements. <br /> 8. A BOCC member asked for clarification of language within Section 5.9.6 <br /> �A) ��) �9)� <br /> Staff Comment: The Section has been revised to read as follows: <br /> As part of the site plan submittal, the applicant shall be <br /> required to submit documentation detailing the proposed array <br /> will not alter, or require the alteration of, any condition <br /> imposed as part of a previous approval allowing for the <br /> development and use of the property. <br /> 9. A BOCC member asked why a solar array would be considered as part of <br /> the impervious surface area calculation with respect to demonstrating <br /> compliance with Section 4.2.5 of the UDO. <br /> 8 <br />