Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> Attachment B <br /> [NTERLOCAL AGR��11lfENT BY AND B�TWEEN ORANGE COUNTY <br /> AND THE T�WN OF CNAPEL H�L.L REGARD[NG <br /> FEJNDING OF THE CHAPEL HILL M�N�CIPAI. LfBRARY AND <br /> IMPROVED INT�RbP�RAB�LETY dF LIBRARY SYSTEMS <br /> � � <br /> THl� �GR���iEhfT, made and enf�red into this �� day of ��"����; <br /> 20�befween fha Town of Chapef H111, Nor�h Carolina, a Norfh CaroHna m�tnicipal <br /> corporafion, af arange Caunty, �lar�h ��rolina {her�ir�aft�r ref�rr�� ta a� th� "Town"); <br /> a�d Oran�e Goun#y, a body paHtic and palitical su�divislon of the State af Norkh � <br /> Carolina (hereinafter referred ta as th� °County"), for the jaint andlor assigned <br /> operations and funding responsi�ilities of fhe Cha�e� Hill Mutiicipa� Library (har�ina�ter <br /> referred ta as the "Municipa! Llbrary"}. <br /> 4�VETP������H <br /> WHEREAS, the County and Tawn are public bodies, politic a�d corporate, under <br /> t�e laws of fhe 5tate af Nor�h Carolina and are �esfed wit� the power and aufharf#y to , <br /> owr� and operate [ibraries for the benefit af the public pursuanf fa Article 14 of North <br /> Carofina Genera! Statu.tes Chapt�r 153A and ar� a�tharized by Article 24 of North <br /> Carofina General Statutes Chapfer �6aA to enter info this Interfo�a! Agreement <br /> (hereinafter �eferred ta as the "Agreement"); and � <br /> 11�H�REAS, the Gounty operates a library sys#em affording se�vices to all <br /> residents of Orange County and the To►nm operates its Municipal Library for the pr�ncipaf <br /> benefit of Town resfdants, whlfe also providing fibrary servfces to resfdents of the <br /> Counfy beyond its corporate limits; and <br /> , <br /> WHEREAS, the Coun#y has historfeafly provic�ed flnancial support for fhe Town's <br /> aperatfon ofi t�e MunicipaE Llbrary by way of an ann�al cantri�utian, most �ecently a sum <br /> of approximately �250,000.0� in FY2a10-11; an� <br /> WHEREAS, Orange Counfy is cornmit#ed to buil�ing and maintain�n� a robust <br /> county iibrary system for alf County residents a�d fo supporiin� library services at �he <br /> highest ieve! feasible within its ffscai canstraints; and <br /> WH�REAS, the Counfy and Town (i�ereinaft�r refierred ta jofntly as t�e "Parties"} <br /> acic�awledge fhaf Town residents primariEy rely an the Municipal library for library <br /> S8t111CGS �i�CI, f��her, fhat many resEd�nts of�he soufh�rn portion of fhe C�unty, outslde <br /> fhe Town, a�so r�ly an the Municipal Library and not t�e Counfy library system, for <br /> library servic�s; and <br /> .� <br /> I <br /> � <br /> 9 <br /> I <br />