Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> I <br /> � <br /> i <br /> ; <br /> before No�ember 20�2. 7his r�:commendation will inc[ude a descripkion <br /> af costs and benefits of optlor�s considered. <br /> c. Upon ado�fion of an agraement impfementing interoperability, w�ich <br /> may be adopted by way of Amendment ta fhis Agreemer�t, such � <br /> Ir�teroperab€lify sl�all �e phased �n over an appropriate period of time. a` <br /> �. �lBRARY BOARb O� TRUSTEESIADVIS4RY BOARQ <br /> The Baard of County Commissioners sha(I appoint a eounty commissEoner to <br /> serve as liaison to tha Tawn's Library Baard af Trustees. The liaison may <br /> attend Board af Trustees meetings and may make recommendations to t�e <br /> Board of Tr�stees. <br /> 5. REVt�W Q�' AGRE�MENT I <br /> a. During the initial three y�ar �erm, this Agreement sF�afl be review�d by <br /> staff af the Mur�icipa! Library an� Orange County Library and County and � <br /> Town Managemenf, in consultatfon with a represer�ta�i�e group of <br /> e[ected of#Ici�ls; each year beginning no later fh�n October 15, 2092 <br /> with a �epnrf generated for the Town and County governing �oards <br /> describing: � <br /> i. The costlbenefit of the Coun#y's fundi�tg contri�ution to the <br /> Mur�icipal Library; � <br /> � I1, Any dit�lculties et�co�ntered In implemer�ti�g fhe terms of this � <br /> Agreement; I <br /> fil. Veriflcatian that funding provid�� is be�ng ufilfzed as pra�osed; <br /> iv. Consideratio� of ways �y which the Cour�ty may offse� fhe demand ` <br /> on the Municipal Library; k <br /> v, Ar�y ot�er Issues fFiat need #o be examined, <br /> b. The Agreement shall be �eviewed by s#aff annually with a report <br /> generated for the Town an� Cnun#y gaverning boards describing ti�e <br /> sam� it�ms set out in s��seckian (a) of this section. <br /> �. AMENbMENTS <br /> This Agreement may bs amended by mutual written consent of the County � <br /> and Town. � <br /> 7. TERM�NATION � <br /> This agreement may �e termfnated by eifher Parfy hereta upon one year <br /> advance writt�n notice to the ather Party or at any fime by mu#ua[ writfen , <br /> ag�eement of the Partles. I <br /> � <br /> � <br /> f <br /> I <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> ; <br /> E <br /> i <br /> f <br /> I <br />