Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> ($1,633,2G9) the County budgeted for fts Main Library, Carrboro Cybrary <br /> I <br /> and the Carr�oro-McDou�le Library for the same Fiscal year. i <br /> b, Beginning in �'lscaf Year 2d1'I-2012, it is the lr�t��t that fhe Cour�ty's ? <br /> annual �ase sum cor�trE�ufion to fhe Town l.ibrary will Incr�ase, subj�cf � � <br /> to bud��# constraints, eacf� fiscal year t�rrough J�r�e 30, 20�f 5 untif the � <br /> County's contribution to the Town L.ibrary equates to 3Q % of whai the <br /> County spends annualiy for operational casts for the County Library <br /> Syst�m, <br /> c. lt is the County's intent to increase i�s contrib�tion to the Town Libr�ry �y <br /> addin� fhree percent (3%� each fiscal year to #he bas� sum currently � <br /> contrib�ted to the Town. Ouer t#�e �ife of t3�is agreement, doing so vvou4d <br /> increase fhe Cou�ty's contrfbution ta the Town's Library fro�n its curr�nf <br /> 21% of tatal Co�nty �iE�rary System op�rationaf costs to 30% in tl�e fiscal <br /> ;�e�r eneting ��ur�e 3Q, 2015. Ad�itional P1:ta�sic,ns of the agrsei�ie��t � <br /> could result in additional Caunty contributions. � <br /> �, lt wouid be the infenf of the Cou�ty ta incr�ase E�S fUC]C�l�l� p� CD!lll�y � <br /> �.ibrary operatior�al costs, by a �raportionai increase, and th�n ta <br /> increase f�nding provided to the Town li�rary by tf�e previousfy agread <br /> �pon percentage af the library system increase, not to exceed t�ree <br /> percent {3%) annually. !f in any fiscal year the Coun#y does nat increas� <br /> itS �UC1C{I�1� �4 the Counfy Library System by an amounf equal to the <br /> increase being provided the Town Library via this agreement, ti�e <br /> amaun� contri�uted ta the Town Library wifi be less than three pe�cent <br /> (3%). If in any ffscal year t�e County reduces funding for Co�nty E.ibrary � <br /> System opera:tional costs, r�o increase wilf be provi�ed the Town Library <br /> during that same fiscal ycar. <br /> e. At no tlme during the term of thls agreement would fhe County's <br /> cor�tri�u#fon to fhe 7awn �.fbrary fal! belaw �he initial base sum amount <br /> provided in t�is A�reem�nt. ( <br /> f. Fundln� far equipment, faelilty expar�slo� and debt s�rvice assoc(ated � <br /> with facllity enhancements of County �.Ebraries are nat operafiona! cosfs <br /> and will not be included In calculations of contributiar�s to be provlded #o <br /> the Town Library �y#he County. � <br /> g, The Town will remain responsible for the c�ay fo day operations of the <br /> Munici�al L.ibrary. <br /> 3. INFEROPERABfl.ITY OF LIBRARY SYSTEI11fS � <br /> a. The Par#f�s agree�#o direct Cour�ty and Tawn managers an� llbrary staff ' <br /> to examin� mefhods and defermine fhe most appropriate methods of <br /> interopsrability between the Orange Caunfy Library Syst�rn and the <br /> Town o� Chapel Hill Library, to be determined during t�e term of this � <br /> Agreement. j <br /> i�. Upon sfaff mukualiy det�rmining fhe mc�st appropE�iat� methods for a ; <br /> transitian to inferapera�ility, County and Town rnanagement shafl make ' <br /> a recommendation fo tY�e �ov�rning boards of fhe County and Town ! <br /> 3 <br /> 3 <br /> l <br /> I <br /> � <br />