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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: November 8, 2012 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 5-i <br /> SUBJECT: Report on Library Interoperability <br /> DEPARTMENT: Library Services PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Cover Memorandum with: Lucinda Munger, 919-245-2528 <br /> • Report <br /> • Copy of Signed Interoperability <br /> Agreement Regarding Library <br /> Services between Orange County <br /> and Chapel Hill <br /> PURPOSE: To receive the Library Interoperability Report from the Town and County Managers <br /> and Library Staff for Orange County and the Town of Chapel Hill, and authorize staff to proceed <br /> with implementation of the first four (4) short term objectives. <br /> BACKGROUND: In 2012, the Orange County and the Town of Chapel Hill entered into an <br /> Interlocal Agreement for Library Services (attached). A condition of this agreement (Section 3) <br /> is a report to the two governing boards by County and Town Managers and Library Staff <br /> regarding appropriate methods for interoperability between the Orange County Library System <br /> and the Town of Chapel Hill Library. The attached memo and report outline the short term <br /> objectives and process for attaining preliminary steps toward interoperability. <br /> As part of the agreement, the 2013-14 County contribution to Chapel Hill for Library Services is <br /> scheduled to be 27% of total County Library System operational costs, an increase of 3% over <br /> the FY2012-13 of 24%. If total library expenses remain the same at $1,705,183, then 27% <br /> would reflect a contribution of$460,399. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: There are no financial impacts associated with receiving the report and <br /> no impacts with the recommended implementation of the first four (4) short term objectives. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br /> 1) Receive the report; <br /> 2) Authorize staff to proceed with implementation of the first four (4) short term objectives; <br /> 3) Plan to discuss the "Areas of Further Exploration" at the joint meeting between the Board <br /> of Commissioners and Chapel Hill Town Council scheduled for March 2013; and <br /> 4) Request that the elected officials working group meet prior to the March joint meeting to <br /> review progress and make recommendations. <br />