Orange County NC Website
22 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY COMMISSION FOR THE ENVIRONMENT <br /> POLICIES AND PROCEDURES <br /> SECTION I: SCOPE <br /> A. Purpose <br /> 1. To establish a policy and procedures whereby the Orange County <br /> Board of Commissioners will establish the specific policies and <br /> procedures governing the Commission for the Environment. <br /> 2. The Orange County Board of Commissioners may appoint an advisory <br /> board whose duty is to serve in an advisory capacity on matters <br /> affecting the environment, with particular emphasis on environmental <br /> protection. <br /> B. Authority <br /> 1. North Carolina General Stature 153A-76 grants boards of <br /> commissioners the authority to establish advisory boards. <br /> 2. The Orange County Advisory Board Policy serves as the underlying <br /> policy document to which the Commission for the Environment, in <br /> addition to this policy and procedure document, is subject. The <br /> Orange County Advisory Board Policy is attached hereto as "Exhibit <br /> A". <br /> 3. In the event there is a conflict between the Orange County Advisory <br /> Board Policy and this Policies and Procedures document this Policies <br /> and Procedures document shall control. <br /> C. Charge <br /> 1. The charge of the Commission for the Environment is to advise the <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners on matters affecting the <br /> environment, with particular emphasis on environmental protection. <br /> SECTION II: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES <br /> A. The Commission for the Environment shall have the following goals and <br /> objectives: <br /> 1. To advise the Orange County Board of Commissioners with regard to <br /> environmental policy, with particular emphasis on environmental <br /> protection. <br /> 2. To educate the public and local officials on environmental issues. <br /> 3. To perform special studies and projects on environmental questions as <br /> requested by the Orange County Board of Commissioners. <br /> 1 <br />