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7 <br />ATTACHMENT 2 <br />c.The TAC shall not set policy for the planning area but shall establish goals and <br />objectives for the transportation planning process reflective of and responsive to <br />comprehensive plans for growth and development in the MPO planning area; <br />d.Endorse, review and approval of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP). As <br />requiredby the NCGS 136-66.2(d), any revision in the CTP must be jointly <br />approved by the MPO and NCDOT; <br />e.The TAC, as required, shall review, approve, and endorse amendments to the <br />Planning Work Program, the CTP, the LRTP and the Transportation Improvement <br />Program; <br />f.The TAC shall have the responsibility for keeping boards of general purpose local <br />government informed of the status and requirements of the transportation planning <br />process; assisting in the dissemination and clarification of the decisions, inclinations, <br />and policies of these boards; and ensuring meaningful citizen participation in the <br />transportation planning process; <br />g.The TAC shall review, approve and endorse changes to the Federal-Aid Functional <br />Classification System and MPO’s Metropolitan Planning Area Boundary(MPA); <br />h.The TAC shall review, approve, and endorse a “Prospectus for Transportation <br />Planning” which defines work tasks and responsibilities for the various agencies <br /> participating in the transportation planning process; and <br /> i. The TAC shall review and approve related air quality planning in conformance with <br />federal regulations if the Planning Area becomes non-attainment for air quality. <br />j.The representative from each general purpose local government on the TAC shall be <br />responsible for instructing the clerk of his/ her local government to submit copies of <br />minutes or resolutions to the secretary of the TAC when formal action involving any <br />MPO plan is taken by his/herlocal government. <br /> k. Any other duties identified as necessary to further facilitate the transportation <br />planning process. <br />9. Municipal councils, boards of alderman and county commissioners represented on the TAC <br />shall serve as the primary means for citizen input in the transportation planning process. <br />This citizen involvement will be obtained through goals and objectives surveys, forums, and <br />public meetings. <br />10. A Technical Coordinating Committee, hereinafter referred to as the TCC, shall be <br />established with the responsibility of general review, guidance andcoordination of the <br />transportation planning process for the planning area, and with the responsibility for making <br />recommendations to the respective local and sate governmental agencies and the TAC <br />regarding any necessary actions relating to the continuing transportation planning process. <br />The TCC shall be responsible for development, review, and recommendation for approval <br /> <br />