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6 <br />ATTACHMENT 2 <br />c. Members will vote on matters pursuant to the authority granted by their respective <br />governmental body. If a weighted vote is to be used, it must be called for prior to the <br />vote by a member. Otherwise, each member has regular voteprivileges. <br />d. Any member who does not attend two consecutive TAC meetings will not be included <br />as part of the membership needed to obtain a quorum after the second meeting. <br />Membership, however, is immediately reinstated by the presence of the most recently <br />appointed member (or his alternate) at any future meeting. A quorum is required for <br />the transaction of all business, including conducting meetings or hearings, <br />participating in deliberations, or voting upon or otherwise transacting the public <br />business. A quorum consists of 51% of the members of the TAC, plus as many <br />additional members as may be required to ensure that 51% of possible votes are <br />present, excluding those who have been removed for absenteeism, and applies to regular <br />membership, not weighted vote.The TAC will meet as often as it is deemed necessary, <br />appropriate and advisable. On the basis of majority vote of its membership, the TAC <br />may elect a member of the committee to act as chairperson with the responsibility for <br />coordination of the committee's activities. <br />In addition, representatives from each of the following agencies will serve as non-voting <br />membersof the TAC: <br />- Federal Highway Administration <br />- NCDOT Transportation Planning Branch, MPO Coordinator <br />- NCDOT Division 7 Engineer <br />- Burlington Graham MPO Coordinator / Secretary <br />- Other Local, State, or Federal agencies impacting transportation in the Planning Area <br />at the invitation of the TAC. <br />6. A member of any local elected board may serve as an alternate to the designated TAC <br />member for each member. The Burlington-Graham MPO Secretary shall be notified of a <br />TAC alternate member each year and as changes are made. <br />7. The TAC shall meet as often as it is deemed appropriate and advisable, and shall elect a <br />Chairman and Vice-Chairman based on a majority vote each January. <br />8. The duties and responsibilities of the TAC are as follows: <br />a.The TAC, in cooperation with the State, shall be responsible for carrying out the <br />urban transportation planning process specified by the U.S. Department of <br />Transportationin 23 U.S.C. 134. It shall review, develop, and endorse the Planning <br />Work Program(PWP), the Transportation Improvement Program(TIP)and the <br />Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP); <br />b.Review and approval of the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program <br />(MTIP) for multi-modal capital and operating expenditures and to ensure <br />coordinationbetween local and state capital and operating improvement programs; <br /> <br />