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4 <br />ATTACHMENT 2 <br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />FOR <br />COOPERATIVE, COMPREHENSIVE, AND <br />CONTINUING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING <br />Between <br />THE CITY OF BURLINGTON, CITY OF GRAHAM, TOWN OF ELON, <br />TOWN OF GIBSONVILLE, CITY OF MEBANE, TOWN OF HAW RIVER, <br />TOWN OF WHITSETT, TOWN OF GREEN LEVEL, VILLAGE OF ALAMANCE, <br />ALAMANCECOUNTY, GUILFORDCOUNTY, ORANGECOUNTYAND THE NORTH <br />CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (NCDOT)in cooperation with <br />THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br />WITNESSETH <br />THAT WHEREAS, THE CITY OF BURLINGTON, CITY OF GRAHAM, TOWN OF ELON, <br />TOWN OF GIBSONVILLE, CITY OF MEBANE, TOWN OF HAW RIVER, TOWN OF <br />WHITSETT, TOWN OF GREEN LEVEL, VILLAGE OF ALAMANCE, ALAMANCE <br />COUNTY,GUILFORDCOUNTY, ORANGECOUNTY, AND THE NCDOTentered into a <br />Memorandumof Understanding for Cooperative, Comprehensive, and Continuing Transportation <br />Planning, last amended in August 2003, regarding the Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning <br />Organization (BGMPO); <br />WHEREAS, each MPO is required to develop a transportationplan in cooperation with <br />NCDOT and in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 134, any subsequent amendments to that statute, and any <br />implementing regulations; and <br />WHEREAS, it is the desire of these parties that all prior Memoranda of Understanding between the <br />parties be superseded and replaced by this Memorandum of Understanding. <br />NOW THEREFORE the following Memorandum of Understanding is made: <br />SECTION 1: <br />It is hereby agreed that the CITY OF BURLINGTON, CITY OF GRAHAM, <br />TOWN OF ELON, TOWN OF GIBSONVILLE, CITY OF MEBANE, TOWN OF HAW RIVER, <br />TOWN OF WHITSETT, TOWN OF GREEN LEVEL, VILLAGE OF ALAMANCE, <br />ALAMANCECOUNTY, GUILFORD COUNTY, ORANGECOUNTY AND THE NORTH <br />CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION in cooperation with the UNITED <br />STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, will participate in a continuing transportation <br />planning process with responsibilities and undertakings as related in the following paragraphs: <br />1.The area involved, the Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning Area, will be the <br />Burlington-Graham urbanized area as defined by the United States Department of <br />Commerce, Bureau of the Census plus that area beyond the existing urbanized area <br />boundary that isexpected to become urban within a twenty year planning period. This area <br />is hereinafter referred to as the Planning Area. <br /> <br />