Orange County NC Website
2 <br />The contents of the MOU are consistent with the following provisions of NC GS 136-200.2: <br />Agreement for the participation in a continuingand cooperative comprehensive <br />transportation planning process <br />Creation of MPO Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) and Transportation <br />Advisory Committee (TAC) subcommittees, responsibilities,membership, and <br />provisions for open meetings and public records. <br />Distribution of regular and weighted voting power among the constituent <br />counties, municipal corporations, and other participating organizations. <br />Weighted voting isbased on the jurisdictional population withinMPO <br />boundaries according to the most recent U.S. Census.Orange County’s <br />estimated population withinthe BG MPO planning area is 605. Based on this, <br />theCounty will have 1 regular vote and 1 weighted vote. <br />Designation of the City of Burlington as the Lead Planning Agency(LPA), and <br />detailing the LPA’s administrative responsibilities. <br />Stipulation thatall transportation and related federal aid planning grant funds <br />available to promote the cooperative transportation planning process be <br />expended in accordance with the MPO’s Planning Work Program adopted by <br />the TAC. <br />Update on MPO Boundaries: <br />In the past month, the revised BG MPO boundary within the <br />County has been endorsed by the BG TAC and TCC, the County, and the Durham-Chapel <br />Hill-Carrboro (DCHC) MPO TCC. The DCHC MPO TAC is expected to endorse the revised <br />th <br />boundary at itsNovember14meeting. Following full MPO and Countyendorsement, the <br />North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will officially receive the revised <br />MPO boundaries and verifythat they conform to legal requirements. Final approval of the <br />revised boundaries byNCDOT and theGovernor will occur after the execution of a letter of <br />agreement between the BG MPO and the DCHC MPO addressing a couple of Burlington’s <br />urbanized areas that will be planned by the DCHC MPO.Final approval should occur by <br />January2013. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: <br />The MOU has no provisions for membership fees. There are no <br />membership fees associated with the County’s membership in the BG MPO. MPO staff and <br />planning activities are currently funded by the Federal government. The City of Burlington <br />paysthe local matching funds for the Lead Planning Agency (LPA) planning activities. <br />However, this system of the LPA paying for 100% is being reconsidered in the DCHC MPO <br />and matching funds may, in the near future, derive from participating agencies. Orange <br />CountyPlanning staff would dedicate time to BG MPO transportation planning activitiesand <br />TCC and TAC meetings. The BG MPO TCC and TAC normally each meet four times a <br />year. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): <br />The Manager recommends the Board approvethe resolution <br />(Attachment 1) approving the revised MOU adding Orange County as a voting member of <br />the BG MPO, and authorizethe Chairand County Clerkto execute the MOU (Attachment 2). <br /> <br />