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Commissioner Jacobs said that when the park plan was done, the community prioritized <br />the different components. He suggested replicating the priority list. He agreed with <br />Commissioner Gordon about the walking track. <br />Dave Stancil said that, with the current timetable, construction could begin this summer. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to see the answer to the question about <br />the priority list prepared by the community and see how it tracks with the options. <br />Dave Stancil said that the priorities were already reflected in option 1. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that if the walking trail is the only thing missing and it is only <br />$40,OQ0, then it could be included anyway. <br />This will come back for approval on April 24tH <br />West Ten Soccer Center <br />To move the project along, steps are currently underway to get the field construction <br />underway on an aggressive timetable. Field construction bids will be advertised soon, with a bid <br />opening proposed for May Stn. A Site Plan has also been submitted to the Planning Department <br />for approval. Current plans would have a construction bid award before the Board on May 15tH <br />Direction provided by the Board at the work session would be incorporated into a subsequent <br />decision on the April 24tH or May 3~d Board agenda. <br />Recreation and Parks Director Lori Taft said that the projection is that the field surfaces <br />would be finished in August. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that there is some concern from the soccer community that <br />this has morphed into a larger facility with a bigger scope (buildings, bathrooms, etc.), and there <br />were questions about eliminating some of the items like bleachers and a scoreboard and <br />moving the money toward fields at Twin Creeks, turfing the field at Smith, or fields at Southern <br />Community Park. He asked for input on this. <br />Laura Blackmon said that the estimate for the building was $700,Q00. Same of the <br />building will have to be built because there must be some equipment storage. She said that the <br />direction she got from the Board was to do West Ten. The initial concern right now is the fields <br />and getting them done in time for them to grow. The approval for the funding is on the April 24tH <br />agenda. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she is a little disappointed that mare of an effort was not <br />made to coordinate with Gravelly Hill Middle School, because there are adjacent facilities which <br />could also be used, thereby reducing the need to construct them for the soccer center. She <br />said that she was also concerned that the bond shaved soccer fields that would be dispersed <br />around the County. She thinks that there are transportation and emission issues with this <br />complex. She made reference to an email from a citizen to Lori Taft that was copied to her <br />about where the sanctioned soccer players are. It shows that there area about 10 times as <br />many of these players in the southern part of the county. She said that she thinks that the <br />County should be maximizing the number of soccer fields and that they should be near the <br />players. She agrees with building same fields at West Ten, but she is skeptical about a <br />complex. She made reference to a letter from Triangle United Soccer about the possibility of a <br />public/private partnership. She asked if there has been any discussion with Triangle United <br />Soccer about this. Lori Taft said that she spoke with same representatives. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that this is a decision item at the next meeting, and this <br />debate should be postponed to that meeting. <br />Fairview Park, Phase <br />A Request far Proposals for the engineering and plan approval work has been issued. <br />An interview team would be formed to recommend a firm for this work, and a contract for the <br />work is anticipated to came before the Board for action in May. Playground replacement is <br />underway. <br />