Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> 1 Gordon (External); Barry Jacobs; Earl McKee; Steve Yuhasz <br /> 2 Subject: BOCC Agenda Item- Eno Economic Development District <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Dear Orange County Commissioners, <br /> 5 As a citizen of Orange County who lives along Old NC-10, I would implore you NOT to accept <br /> 6 the current Eno Economic Development District zoning and land use proposals which will be <br /> 7 discussed tomorrow night. <br /> 8 You have heard from numerous residents who live along Old NC-10, which is a beautiful rural <br /> 9 residential road, protest against the possibility of non-residential entities tainting our <br /> 10 neighborhood. The current Land Use Classification AND Zoning is "Rural Residential". Based <br /> 11 on negative public input, the planning board proposes to retain rural residential zoning, but still <br /> 12 desires to change the Land Use Classification from rural residential to EDE-1, which allows a <br /> 13 number of non-residential entities. This would negatively impact our neighborhood in many <br /> 14 ways (increased traffic on two-lane road, dangerous underpasses, depress home values, etc). <br /> 15 Further, the Zoning and Land use classification would not be consistent, which will create <br /> 16 conflicts later. Finally, the Durham plan keeps this entire area as residential in their urban <br /> 17 growth plan. Thus, the Orange County and Durham plans will not be consistent. <br /> 18 I would strongly urge the board not to approve this proposal. The land use classification should <br /> 19 either remain residential or the region around Old NC-10 should be removed from this <br /> 20 economic development district. <br /> 21 Sincerely, <br /> 22 Chris Kelsey <br /> 23 208 Weldon Ridge Court <br /> 24 Durham, NC 27705 <br /> 25 <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Letter from Phillip Gunter: <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Dear Commissioner Pelissier: <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Thank you for your service to the citizens of Orange County. As I have noted in previous <br /> 32 letters, because of the diversity of land use and interests among your constituents, your job <br /> 33 must often be a daunting task. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Regarding the rezoning issue in the Eno District, I remain concerned about the proposed <br /> 36 changes. I attended the last meeting of the Planning Board (August 1, 2012). The revised <br /> 37 proposal was approved, but not unanimously. Two board members in attendance voted against <br /> 38 the proposal. They asked some good questions. At that meeting, I heard no good answers to <br /> 39 those questions and concerns. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 My original concerns that I expressed to you in my letters of February 19, 2012; May 11, 2012; <br /> 42 and May 21, 2012 remain: 1) storm water runoff; 2) noise pollution; and 3) air pollution. Since <br /> 43 then, a letter written to you by Dr. Jon Arvik addressed in detail the well-defined and <br /> 44 scientifically documented health dangers and risks caused by open-air grinding, crushing, and <br /> 45 shredding of trash and construction debris. This activity is already "permitted" by Orange <br /> 46 County on Mount Hermon Church road. <br /> 47 <br /> 48 My first two concerns, storm water runoff and noise pollution, still exist, but for the time being <br /> 49 are dwarfed by the obvious immediate health-threatening particulate pollution of the air we <br /> 50 breathe. We can filter the water we drink. We can wear noise suppressing ear plugs; however, <br />