Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> 1 Cost Sharing Recommendations: <br /> 2 <br /> 3 On August 22, 2012 the Task Force approved the following recommendation: <br /> 4 <br /> 5 The Task Force recommends that the County and Town Managers collectively discuss and <br /> 6 formulate a fair and equitable cost sharing recommendation for the Task Force to consider. <br /> 7 Options 2 & 4 are no longer being considered by the Task Force, therefore the <br /> 8 recommendation should be based on options 1, 3, and /or 5. The cost sharing recommendation <br /> 9 will be reviewed by the Task Force and could be applied to funding Sewer Infrastructure and a <br /> 10 Community Center. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 POTENTIAL NEXT STEPS: <br /> 13 Formulate recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners, Chapel Hill Town Council <br /> 14 and the Carrboro Board of Aldermen on the following unresolved issues: <br /> 15 1. Providing sewer service to the Rogers Road Neighborhood as defined in the Task Force <br /> 16 Charge. <br /> 17 a. Determine which grant opportunities are possible and probable and worthy of <br /> 18 consideration. <br /> 19 b. Agree collectively on costs sharing and possible funding sources. <br /> 20 2. Moving and renovation of the Hogan-Rogers House for a Neighborhood Community <br /> 21 Center. <br /> 22 a. Define a moving and renovation project team. <br /> 23 b. Create a timeline for moving and renovating the house. <br /> 24 c. Create and approve a capital and/or operating budgets for the Community Center <br /> 25 d. Agree collectively on costs sharing and possible funding sources. <br /> 26 3. Complete investigating is the possibility of constructing a new Community Center on the <br /> 27 two lots donated by Habitat for Humanity. <br /> 28 a. Create and approve a capital and/or operating budgets a new Community Center <br /> 29 b. Create a timeline for constructing a new Community Center. <br /> 30 a. Agree collectively on costs sharing and possible funding sources. <br /> 31 4. Agree on a strategy to educate and promote the recommendations of the Historic <br /> 32 Rogers Road Neighborhood Task Force to all three local governments. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Report ends here. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Frank Clifton said that the numbers on the utilities only include sewer. He said that he <br /> 37 has had a discussion with the director of Habitat of Humanity and they may want to contract <br /> 38 with Habitat to be the project manager. <br /> 39 Commissioner Hemminger said that she and Commissioner Foushee served on this <br /> 40 task force and she has met with Habitat about this issue several times. Habitat for Humanity <br /> 41 would be willing to be the coordinator. They are not allowed to be contractors for anything other <br /> 42 than residential, but they could help coordinate this community center. Habitat has not brought <br /> 43 this to its board yet and is waiting on the recommendation. There are several concerns about <br /> 44 the property and the commitment of funding, etc. Habitat for Humanity is an eager partner, but <br /> 45 they want assurances. She hopes to move forward with this community center before the <br /> 46 landfill closes. <br />