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with a demonstrable need to work towards something. He wants to be able to go back to the <br />people that he gat to vote far the bond and tell them that there is help an the way. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he hears the concerns, and the idea of trying something <br />centrally located with multiple partners makes it easier to happen. He asked the soccer <br />community to think about partnering with the County and to make a commitment of resources <br />with the Board to make it happen. He said that the County Commissioners want to serve all of <br />the residents of Orange County and they do not want to play one area against the other. <br />Chair Carey said that the County Commissioners are committed, especially if there are <br />partners and a reasonable consensus. He said that he likes the idea of trying to do something <br />at Smith, especially if there can be partners offering additional resources. <br />Randee-Haven O'Donnell said that she has understood from the soccer community that <br />they are very interested in the potential of the four fields at Twin Creeks rather than three at <br />Southern Park. She asked for an update on Twin Creeks. Commissioner Gordon said that the <br />focus has been on getting the most playable surfaces as soon as possible. She said that she <br />has not heard any commitment of the County Commissioners of dollars towards Twin Creeks ar <br />Southern Park. She said that the only thing that has been said is "we will try." <br />Deanne Venable asked about Southern Park going forward and if the problem is a <br />money problem and Commissioner Gordon said yes. Commissioner Jacobs said that there <br />have been discussions with Chapel Hill about getting more money and Chapel Hill has not <br />responded back yet. <br />Robert Smith asked about the names of the soccer groups who are in favor of the West <br />Ten project and Lori Taft said Orange County Recreation and Parks, athletic directors and <br />coaches in the northern Orange County area, and Mebane. <br />Melissa Suarez said that she has some figures for the Mebane area. She gave the <br />figures, and indicated there were many more players in the southern part of the county than in <br />the Mebane and Efland area. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordan to <br />adjourn the meeting at 4:04 p.m. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Moses Carey, Jr., Chair <br />Donna S. Baker <br />Clerk to the Board <br />