Orange County NC Website
D. Eliminate all of the inconsistencies <br /> In addition to the ones I identified at the May 15 meeting, and those identified by other <br /> commissioners, here are some additional places which should be checked for inconsistencies. <br /> 1. Sales tax growth rate <br /> On page 21 the rate is given as 1.5% (2011 through 2014) and on page <br /> 29 it is listed as 1.00% (to 2015). <br /> 2. Assumptions <br /> Review the chart on page 29, and check all of the information for accuracy and completeness. <br /> 3. Length of the LRT alignment <br /> Throughout the BRI Plan, the length of the LRT line is given as 17 miles (e.g. page 10), but it <br /> is more than that. Is it 17.3 miles? <br /> Whatever it is, the 17 miles should be changed to 17.3 or whatever is correct. <br /> 4. Initial costs and revenues <br /> Throughout the BRI Plan, the initial costs/revenues are usually given in 2011 dollars, but <br /> sometimes they are given in 2012 dollars. Why aren't 2012 dollars used? In any case, it <br /> would be more consistent if the dollar amounts for the initial costs/revenues were stated using <br /> just 2011 or 2012 dollars. <br /> Levy Aqreement <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger to approve the Orange County and Triangle Transit Levy of Transit Sales Tax. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; No, 1 (Commissioner McKee) <br /> INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT <br /> ORANGE COUNTY and TRIANGLE TRANSIT <br /> LEVY OF TRANSIT SALES TAX <br /> An INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ("Agreement") dated <br /> between the Research Triangle Regional Public Transportation Authority, d/b/a Triangle <br /> Transit ("TTA"), a three county regional transportation authority organized pursuant to NCGS <br /> Chapter 160A et. seq., and Orange County ("County"), a political subdivision of the State of <br /> North Carolina. TTA and the County may be collectively referred to (together the "Parties"). <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> WHEREAS, the County and TTA, have determined that it is in the best interest of <br /> Orange County citizens for them to coordinate the planning, construction and expansion of <br /> public transit services in order to provide efficient and effectively linked transit services to the <br /> residents of, the employees and employers in, and the visitors to the Orange County area; and <br />