Orange County NC Website
For Orange County and for Durham County, give the dollar amounts for the projected sales tax <br /> revenues for each year of the plan. Then for each year, show the total for both counties <br /> combined, and the percent of the total that is projected to come from each county. (I believe <br /> we have already seen such a chart, or something similar.) <br /> C. Make the following changes in the BRI Plan <br /> 1. Different map <br /> On page 18 use a different map that shows the county line and other geographic details so the <br /> LRT alignment is clearly shown with respect to what is currently on the ground. <br /> 2. Dollar amounts for state and federal funding On pages 22 and 23, the dollar amounts for <br /> state and federal funding should be stated clearly. Please give the amounts for the 25% state <br /> match and 50% federal match for LRT, and also the amounts for other state and federal funds <br /> that are included in the model. Note that the <br /> $239 million in federal funds in paragraph F needs further explanation. <br /> 3. Orange financial plan data <br /> On page 23, the amounts given should list all of the costs included in the model, and they <br /> should be given in both 2011 dollars and YOE dollars. Doing that might help explain why the <br /> costs listed on this page total $648 million while the total plan costs listed on page 30 total <br /> $659.9 million. <br /> 4. Implementation agreement <br /> On pages 23 and 24, the text should be changed as suggested by Chair Pelissier in her edits <br /> to the transit plan, sent by email on May 17. <br /> 5. Federal New Starts funding process <br /> On pages 24-26, state the dates for federal funding that are used in the model for each step of <br /> federal funding. <br /> 6. Alternative plan <br /> Either here on page 26 or elsewhere in the text of BRI Plan, describe the "local" plan <br /> (previously known as the "core" plan) which explains what will happen if federal and state <br /> funds are not obtained. The details of the plan that we have already received could be <br /> included in an appendix. <br /> 7. Closing summary <br /> On page 27, it is stated that the draft Plan has been shared with the general public, Carrboro <br /> Board of Aldermen, Chapel Hill Town Council, the Hillsborough Town Commissioners, the <br /> DCHC MPO, the Burlington-Graham MPO and the Orange County Commission. <br /> Please see that all of these entities receive the most recent version of the BRI Plan and that <br /> they are told how and when they may provide their comments. <br /> 8. Appendix A - Total Plan Revenues and Costs Review the charts on page 30, and check all <br /> of the information for accuracy and completeness. If all of the information is correct, please <br /> explain why the third pie chart shows the local costs for Orange County to be 40.7 percent of <br /> the total costs ($268.7 million divided by $659.9 million). Please give a clear statement <br /> concerning how the revenues and costs in all three charts were calculated. <br />