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VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 23 and section VI showing the Orange <br /> Financial Plan data. She said this information is difficult to understand because of the <br /> differences between 2011 dollars and year of Year of Expenditure dollars. She asked <br /> Triangle Transit to add clarifying information. She then referenced page 30 of Appendix A <br /> which showed total plan revenues and costs. She said that the total plan costs on page 23, <br /> which added up to $648 million, did not correspond to the total plan costs, which are given as <br /> $659.9 million in Appendix A. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked what Durham County had affirmed and not affirmed in <br /> their work session. <br /> Wib Gulley said that Durham County accepted the $316.2 million for capital. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked who would be borrowing the money. <br /> Wib Gulley said that Triangle Transit would be the borrowing entity. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he does not understand why the $25 million keeps <br /> showing up in the Orange County plan if it is not an Orange County debt. Wib Gulley said that <br /> it is an effort to show how the plan works. He said that it could be rewritten to ensure that <br /> Orange County is not signing up for any debt. <br /> Chair Pelissier made reference to page 6 and said that there is no mention of cost <br /> share for buses between Orange County and Durham County. She said that she received an <br /> email from TTA that this was an oversight. She suggested adding in that all of the regional <br /> bus lines are cost shared 50/50 between Orange County and Durham County. This needs to <br /> be in the plan. <br /> David King said that they have drafted some language for this and it will be at the end <br /> of the first full paragraph on page 6: "costs and expenses for regional bus service for the <br /> Durham and Orange County Regional Plan shall be shared on a 50/50 basis." <br /> Chair Pelissier made reference to page 7, and "a portion of revenues identified will be <br /> used to support existing bus service." To be consistent, she suggested saying "only those <br /> revenues from the vehicle registration tax will be used to support existing bus service." <br /> Chair Pelissier made reference to page 9 and bus capital investments. She said that <br /> she would like to specify bus shelters in both rural and urban areas and not just urban areas. <br /> Chair Pelissier made reference to page 8 and the first sentence, after the word <br /> "appropriated", she would like to add, "at the outset." <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> delay a decision on these four items until the June 5t" meeting. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs suggested moving ahead in principle and asking that it come <br /> back with the changes. <br /> John Roberts said that a motion that was denied cannot be brought back at the same <br /> meeting (he is referring to Commissioner McKee's motion to defer the vote tonight on the <br /> transit plan). <br /> Commissioner McKee withdrew his motion. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she will have to vote against this tonight, in the <br /> interest of transparency and getting the plan right. There are still errors. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger to approve the transit plan in principle and have all staff to come back with <br /> changes identified, if the Board of County Commissioners identify other changes to include <br /> them, and to embrace the general principles and details of the transit plan. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she would send in her additional changes. <br />