Orange County NC Website
9- 4-01 ; 4:51PM;Cha08I Hill Carr John Link ;9919 9334560 # 3/ 3 <br /> At this time, there are no plans to bring forward that depict a full-size gymnasium at <br /> Elementary School No. 9. A meeting has been scheduled to review plans on September <br /> 11,2001 and you, as the"contact Commissioner,"have been invited to that meeting. <br /> When plans are completed, we will share them with our Board of Education and then with <br /> the County Commissioners and members of the Chapel all'Town Council. <br /> As stated earlier, we are respectful of and compliant with the new Policy on Planning and <br /> Funding School Capital Projects. This project has been presented twice to the Orange <br /> County Board of Commissioners prior to your release of funds for the first two stages of <br /> the project. We will be happy to present the revised plans to you as soon as they are <br /> completed. <br /> We have attempted to keep you informed during discussions concerning the community <br /> gym. You and Manager Link attended a half-day meeting on May 17'to review possible <br /> footprints for the school,including plans that provided for a full-size gymnasium. At no <br /> time during that meeting did we hear any objections to the idea of a community gym. The <br /> issue that has been debated over the past few montbs has been who would pay for the gym <br /> As we have described above,we have tried to accommodate the Town's proposal without <br /> diverting school board funds. I also would add that during the planning process,we . <br /> believe that we have invited you to all of the formal planning meetings. We will continue to <br /> do this in the future. <br /> Hopefully,this project can be included on the agenda for our joint meeting on September <br /> 24 . If you have further comments or questions concerning this project,please feel free to <br /> communicate them directly to me. <br /> Sincerel , <br /> N i ow, Chair <br /> CHCCS Board of Education <br /> Cc: School Board Members <br /> Chapel Hill Town Council <br /> John Link <br /> Cal Horton <br />