Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> option to Paun My on,or mare of the following reins"without any notice or dmmwW a haaoever. <br /> a) t Landlord e may,at Loom tQmitue this Ise a terminate Temms tip¢to Wanes fan only,withoua <br /> b) [)pm ma terminsliaa at tick iare,.whouta by lapse of limn or oche wise.or elan dry taminedot of <br /> Ttrmtlr HOW to Possession,vrldtotm terminstion of the Loom Tecate stall nmaide Mad vac me <br /> the Piemisea immorfiaaey,end deliver possasiob thereof to Landlord,and Talent ha+e onto Lmdlard <br /> Pull and flee lfeam to ama Ito and upon the Premises in such event with or without proam of law aed to <br /> j eepossas Landlord of the Promises a of Lodkrda former rite"and en aryd or mate Tmne and <br /> atlmms who OW be ocwgdng or within t o riMrtka am w rmwva.q•acrd alf pnopeety dan ti®,weltw <br /> being doused In any memo g,dley of, evimion or facdble may or daeabter,tad wtkbot t bt waft <br /> arty damitty far any damage rombiog them firm,Tmaa bareby waiving any right to claim dwye for such <br /> and Q �wi�thout tefnquisbing Landlord's rips m rat or�y athor rig?tt even w Ls diced <br /> hensundw c) Upon tercel cation of this Lca,whether by kPsa cf dme or dmherwiaq Iandad MOB be mtided w wwwr <br /> as damages,ail amt end after soma due Ind pmmbk by Taamt on tla dew of hemieerieq Phu the sour,of(j) <br /> an amount equal to the theses palest value of the rot and oebor arms provided herein to be paid by Team fir <br /> the'emakder of do dated two horaofoticuksed mint;a d@cotam ate @gust to the avgrep deooum sae for <br /> auctioned 3-month Tmwxy DIU&as of the dme of n rmiosioo of this L+a.e.has the Sir ward value of doe <br /> Premed for tacit ftamdnder ofthe&rated tarn(tinting into sosouat the tithe and acPame nooeeery to obtain <br /> a arlso@caft tenant or waarms,indudog crpmses nelabng to mcovery of tha Promises,propantlan fir in <br /> latims and for valmang hwK iadudbtg without limitation awneays'has and W&W oaomiaiaes)and(if) <br /> the cat of p xhrndmg aaty other eana mis which would have otherwise berm perSemod by Tom@ <br /> d) [f soy teamihmBatt of rawuth sight to pamesdat ody vviticotrt tamlrtrioa of low,Landlord malty <br /> take poasmioru a daoeibed in subamion(b)welaaart atrah awry amt poasesYomr tetnwtsong an LAnc,or <br /> rdeASiog Tessa in whole or ice poet,fiaae nay ablfpdat.irdtadirag 7lemsatY oWigaom so pay 6n teat <br /> haasder fins me Ail ae>tad tam Lsrdkmd mop,but need cent told the Pdemlaes tr,my pperaetc tberoof for suet <br /> amt aced uPam wit tams a Iamd{aed ice its cola disauton atmlk datermime(sodeigtrg dte w rdat the <br /> Amuses for o gmatar rt leases tam thra them teaotaitdgg tndee thin Lmaae,the ri�c w tenet Se Yr rehm as <br /> poet of lager tree.sod the rigid oo daatOc fta chatama or uaa made otfte Ptao )add 1011 ►d altdn rot <br /> ba reyuQOd w aoeept any temmt o�aod by TmMet oe/u obaavo e:ty imtrnatims given by To"abort such <br /> teiemmg It sty=togWV=-vik'b wr . anams n or to te Plemises,and <br /> ale serue lardlud demo meopesry err daend Tear andl,open d-MoA the lost timna, Lmdlada aspoom of rdddog rodu�z�.wirbout lta�tiae; baaltars <br /> commission reimc►rsad Landlord..lf the consideration mlleded by 1md1or0� such re kitg phs <br /> y a in t �tir collected ft m Tang are tat sufFicim to pay the fail emomt of all ram std orhr,Mass the rmabft two hereof,together with tits noRs of MW raps&,1lk4adasm, <br /> additiota,tudoaQmtisg and LmWlordlh aatparats of rd and fhe:collection of the rat morn-ing there <br /> from(including aooraucys'lose and brokoa'oomoeiaaimer).7 art@ shelf pry to LnaUmd tiw amotmt of such <br /> deficioncy upon de mnd aced Tarot agrooa to Landlord eery file wit w rocovr any sums true under <br /> tkis aufaeation fiaro dme w timm landlord reserves tie right to brie# action or kgd for the <br /> recovery of imT deficits resombft unpaid es[Andlard mq dorm advnatie,from rime to dree,widma bsisg <br /> ohliWed <br /> to coat law the sad of the tam heaaoP or of arty ronewils or odemsioss thereof for the 5m1 <br /> determination of Tmrb account. <br /> e) Az1y and all property which may be removed film the Premises by Landlord puteuamt to the trthority ofthe <br /> L erne or by law,to which Teat k or nay be emitted,may be handed,removed and stand by or at the <br /> dno Lion of Lace lad a the risk,cost and eapmse of Tesmk aced Landlord loll in run evatt be repanaadble <br /> for the value,preservation,or saE"iq tiueteot Teawm shalt pay w L aedtord,upon demand,erg and all <br /> iraanred in Moth now" mad Sell starer obargea agamnet sodsptoappeernty w long a tlw name shall be <br /> fo powerion or under landlords oc000l.Any stair propauty afTaamt set pots h by Tmamt Slam <br /> a�wtlhm t rt t(3 Mud d nsda this Lore as the Premises aL am at Landlord'e optim be ds®od <br /> conveyed by by s bill of sale without further peyroc t or eredt by <br /> Landlord to Tmae. <br /> If grey Payments of amt or additional rat are in aroma for more then shay(60)daps,eery and ail options for <br /> rencerels.extensions,ad right of Sat re fmmk am immedktely canceled without Landlo ft written noewe to <br /> g) Purarlt of say of the Goeggoing remedies AA ant pcdv&pursuh of arty of the odor remadin Marlin <br /> provided or sq other romedia provided by law(all ash remedies bong aemuled re),nor&hell per of <br /> OW randy baron p wadod aonetca 6 a for khan or waiver a t shy rat due w Lend ed haatmder a to ny <br /> dmpas avuimg to Lrmdard by vaaaon*film vdnlsbon of nay of the arms,pnwisions aid coveomts heroin <br /> aonm od.No act or Sing dame by Landlord or its @gazes dtngg the teem Wanted shall be doomed a <br /> tamioation of this Lana or an of dun sormuder of the Pramism,and no agnme am to termh haw <br /> tb3s LAW or aooeltt a oleander of the Pedmisrs aftell be vaW unless in wtidng eiWesd by Laediord <br /> L.amdlasdk aooepssace of tie payment of rest or other pa�meM lweemder sfkr the=Waco a of so event of <br /> dafiult shall mat be aonanued as a new of such debult=Landlord so notfie Tetra in vwfdog <br /> Forbearance;by landlord in cdarhtg one or more of the remedies herein provided upon art avant of defies t <br /> sheil not be dowsed or amskued to cotmidnte a waivrer of and de hok or of Lamdkr&ride to aofMm dry <br /> such remedua wits respect to web defleuk or any wb@aqute I defad@ X on aoeamt army bnadh a defier@ <br /> by Tana in Tatra'&obUptiam under the am sad oorrditorn of this Leads,It shalt become neoeatty or <br /> ,lone for Landlord w empkwy or consult whb an attorney amareing a to esSoeee or defied any of <br /> eA&M or remedies haarodr,Tama,@gnaw w pay wy win nap,fees to intexped <br /> 21. IRANSFIM OF lbrrEREST, <br /> Lr t edkud shot Wk alga or enesfw am a nay pact of is' - in mro Pmdsb a.o is due tonne b a sotmesew n <br /> ie&ssw I whisk agasrly umar tee oble"os of Lsodlad haeuadec,the L a illord shall Oarecpea he ndessed or <br /> dwdw*ud cheer dl coveesew and shlissam llwwsder,and Terse uhat leak eddy in swab asomrr i he eent for <br /> perweeraos of all of Lanlettd,obtrmtliaer.Tawsa4 oWiawkm Bader able Lass shit he w meow be a8saW by <br /> Landimts aselBmast hs+seder,sad Tears ahem tYswleratems eed look wady to aaoxtsor in' as the L oalord <br /> trweodr <br />