Minutes - 20070301
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20070301
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8/14/2008 1:39:07 PM
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8/13/2008 2:48:26 PM
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Agenda - 03-01-2007-1
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Chair Carey said that the Board should move forward an this decision at its next regular <br />meeting. Time is of the essence in this matter. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if the decision would be made in the absence of analyses <br />of the alternate sites. She needs to think about this. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he agrees with Chair Carey about having the decision <br />on the agenda for March 13th, but he thinks that the choices should be to pursue more <br />investigation of alternative sites or not. He suggested bringing a timetable for when the landfill <br />will close, how long it takes to build a transfer station, and an elaboration on the pros and cons <br />of the alternatives. <br />Chair Carey said that time is critical. <br />Laura Blackmon asked if the Board wanted a location map for US 70 and parameters of <br />the additional site and Chair Carey said yes. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the Board should be proactive about notifying the <br />citizens in the US 70 area about the possibility of a transfer station on both sites. <br />Gayle Wilson said that the staff could do door-to-door handouts. <br />Jahn Link asked if the action taken would include having a public meeting similar to the <br />one held at Eubanks Raad and Chair Carey said that they will decide about that, depending on <br />the direction the Board decides to go. <br />4. Follow-up from the BOCC Retreat <br />Laura Blackman said that she included additional information on the abstract and she <br />said that the other handout is for the County Commissioners to peruse at their leisure. She said <br />that she is giving this information to the Board to study prior to the budget. She went through the <br />bullets as shown below: <br />Proposed Order of Business for BOCC Regular Meetings <br />At the retreat on January 19, 2007, discussion concerning BOCC regular meetings focused on <br />creating an agenda format that was respectful of the public attending the meeting as well as <br />streamlining the process to create a more orderly and efficient order of business. The following <br />recommendations are proposed for Board discussion. <br />• Start time for regular Board meetings should be moved up to 7:00 pm with an adjournment <br />time of 10:00 pm. Such a move will allow adequate time for everyone to have dinner and <br />still make the meeting on time. The earlier start will enable citizens to attend the public <br />meeting and still get home at a reasonable hour to relax and prepare for work the next day. <br />Commissioners are not making important decisions late at night and staff is not at a <br />disadvantage the next day from having worked for more than 14 hours on meeting day. <br />• Special presentations, proclamations and recognitions are acts of celebration and should <br />take place at the beginning of the meeting. Such special guests can stay for the remainder <br />of the meeting but are not being held captive to endure items not of interest to them. <br />• Decisions on items on the consent agenda should be made earlier in the meeting to allow <br />citizens in attendance for those items to leave as soon as the Board has voted. Routine and <br />non-controversial appointments and resolutions can appear an the agenda under the <br />consent portion. <br />• Public hearings, regular agenda items and reports constitute the bulk of the meeting and <br />should be considered prior to public comments on issues not on the printed agenda. <br />Resolutions that are likely to generate discussion can appear under regular agenda items. <br />Public comments should not be added to the agenda and considered for Board action at the <br />
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