Orange County NC Website
Attachment C <br /> Memorandum 12 <br /> To: John Link, County Manager <br /> From: Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Management Director <br /> Subject: Governmental Building, Dry Cell Battery, and Electronics Recycling <br /> Proposal <br /> Date: September 6, 2001 <br /> This memorandum presents information about the proposed programs to collect <br /> recyclables in local government buildings, post-consumer electronics, particularly <br /> computers and related peripherals, and dry cell batteries. Staff recommends that the <br /> Board endorse these programs. <br /> Background <br /> Removing batteries and electronics from the current solid waste stream has potential to <br /> reduce toxicity by removing sources of lead, mercury, cadmium, other heavy metals and <br /> pre-cursors of acid forming leachate. Many states are considering programs to reduce <br /> landfilling or incineration of electronics but only Massachusetts and California have thus <br /> far banned cathode ray tubes (CRTs) from landfills and incinerators. In North Carolina, <br /> Wake County has effectively banned commercially generated CRTs from its landfill and <br /> begun collecting post-consumer electronics (September 3). They will charge commercial <br /> users, but residential use is at no charge. The Town of Cary has also initiated regular, <br /> residential curbside computer collection at no charge to the residents. Currently Orange <br /> County does not provide a computer recycling opportunity. <br /> In the adopted 2001-02 BOCC budget, funds were provided to initiate programs to collect <br /> residential electronics and batteries for diversion to reuse, salvage and recycling <br /> programs. Funds were also provided for consolidation of collection of recyclables from <br /> local government buildings. While the FY 2001-02 budget included funds for these three <br /> new programs, including the Recycling Materials Handler position, the programs were <br /> not authorized,pending further BOCC discussion. <br /> Implementing the programs as outlined in the budget document will create an opportunity <br /> to expand local government building recycling services, save money now spent <br /> contracting these services and make collections more efficient and consistent. Currently <br /> those materials are collected by a combination of two contractors and in-house forces <br /> from the Public Works and Solid Waste Management Departments (see Attachment A). <br /> The primary government building collection contractor charges $38 per collection for <br /> each new site added. There is no standardized collection system. Sites currently <br /> throughout the County are inconsistent in design, types of materials picked up, frequency, <br /> signage, etc. <br />