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<br />County Commissioners understand that in Phase Two there would be extensive outreach to <br />people in those communities with ample opportunities informally and formally to ask questions <br />and find out more about densities ar other factors, about haw this might in fact in implemented <br />and direct that the Planning staff bring back to the County Commissioners specifics on how this <br />might be done effectively." <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he agreed, but that this could be discussed after public <br />comment. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Max M. Kennedy said that he feels that he has not been adequately informed about this, <br />and there should have been a greater effort to include those that are more greatly affected by <br />this than others. He made reference to the plan for limited growth in northern Orange County <br />and said that he does not depend on farmland for a living, but many of his friends do. He said <br />that this plan would limit his friends' ability to capitalize on that far which they have worked their <br />entire lives. He said that he does not see any difference in this and taking the development <br />rights without compensation. This is devaluing property by limiting property owners forever to <br />extend water and sewer. <br />Mike Griffin lives in northern Orange County. He said that the people that live out there <br />have not been informed and they would like to see that any decisions that affect them have a <br />public hearing to be held in the northern part of the County. <br />Willie Van Hook made reference to the water and sewer boundary and said that he owns <br />a little farm in this area. He would like his children to have the opportunity to have this land if <br />they need it. <br />Ben Lloyd is a property owner in Orange County and he said that this is his second visit <br />to Chapel Hill on this matter. He said that the group that was with him last time spent three <br />hours and fifteen minutes waiting to be heard and then the item was deferred. He said that they <br />were told that the matter would be heard in Hillsborough, and it was not. He said that he <br />understands this because the County Commissioners were waiting on Hillsborough to make its <br />decision. He feels that this matter should be held in Hillsborough where the "country folks" feel <br />free to come out and speak what they think. He said that the resolution that the Board is being <br />asked to adopt accepts the November strategic plan. He said that he is under the impression <br />that this is still a part of the November strategic growth plan and Craig Benedict said yes. He <br />said that this is still about the buffer and thousands of acres of land being included in this. This <br />is why the residents are sa upset. He said that he was told at an earlier Planning Board <br />meeting that some of this was not valid, but here it is and it is valid. He said that he has seen <br />several maps. He said that he went to the public hearing in Hillsborough and he came away <br />confused. He would question if the Board of County Commissioners really knows what is in this <br />resolution that it is being asked to approve. He said that he agrees with one of the Planning <br />Board members, that once the ball gets rolling, it will be difficult to change it. He said that the <br />concept of having this without citizen input is scary. He said that this is dealing with what some <br />of the people in this area have worked for to provide for their future and their livelihood. He said <br />that they have na desire to be here tonight and they feel threatened. He said that he has been <br />an employer for 50 years, and he would from time to time stop and imagine himself in the <br />position of his employee and his employee in his position and how he would feel. He believes <br />that if the County Commissioners and anyone else involved in this planning process would stop <br />and imagine themselves in the landowners' position, this would provide a good attitude <br />adjustment. He said that they are fighting for survival. He said that the landowners will work <br />with the County, but when it encroaches on their God-given right after many years of sweat and <br />labor, they will be disagreeing with the County and will not hesitate to let the County <br />Commissioners know about it. <br />