Orange County NC Website
Alamance, Chatham, and Durham Counties. Cost of study is $15,000. Will bring <br />contract forward for BOCC approval on March 13) <br />• Investigate retail development opportunities within county (High priority -Given <br />the explosive growth just across border in Durham, Alamance and Chatham, <br />there is significant leakage of retail dollars from Orange County -convene task <br />force in Fall 2007) <br />• Complete an inventory of commercial space and land in the county (High priority <br />- work with tax office to identify all existing commercial space; may require intern <br />to complete) <br />• Explore development regulations requiring commercial developers to provide <br />affordable space as part of approval process {Medium priority -Internet research <br />project to be completed by December 2007} <br />• Explore viability of land swaps to open large underutilized property for <br />development (Medium priority -Internet and economic development list serve <br />project to be completed by December 2007} <br />• Create comprehensive business data base (Low priority -would require large <br />commitment of existing staff time, probably interns as well, reexamine goal for <br />next year) <br />Retention and Business Development Goal: To encourage business development in <br />Orange County through entrepreneurship, business retention, and recruitment. <br />Entrepreneurship: <br />Current Year Objectives: <br />Partner with UNC to explore creation of early seed fund and support technology <br />transfer (High priority -Secure formal support for EDC strategic plan by March <br />2007; work with UNC Associate Vice Chancellor for Economic Development on <br />plan to help retain spin-off ventures) <br />Develop seminars for aspiring entrepreneurs (Low priority -many agencies <br />currently offer such programs, continue to refer individuals) <br />Retention and Recruitment: <br />Current Year Objectives: <br />• Ensure that EDC is aware of upcoming space needs of existing businesses (High <br />priority -enhance partnerships to provide advance information) <br />• Focus on expansion of medium-sized industrial/manufacturing businesses (High <br />priority -with partners, meet regularly with existing businesses to assist in their <br />expansion plans) <br />• Wark with economic development partners and developers to position Orange <br />County as a preferred location for identified desirable businesses (High priority - <br />this is a multi-year effort; during upcoming year, establish strong network) <br />• Establish business (including farm) visitation program with volunteers (Medium <br />priority - in 2007-08, focus on industrial/manufacturing businesses, farms with <br />high growth potential) <br />• Expand Orange County Business Expo to include smaller and home-based <br />businesses (Medium priority -expand volunteer base and rely on partners to <br />achieve goal) <br />