Minutes - 20070206
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20070206
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Last modified
8/14/2008 1:42:12 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:47:44 PM
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Agenda - 02-06-2007-
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2007\Agenda - 02-06-2007
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Agenda - 02-06-2007-5c
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2007\Agenda - 02-06-2007
Agenda - 02-06-2007-8a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2007\Agenda - 02-06-2007
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<br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to Kidscope and said that the OCS Board had it <br />on the agenda last night in a closed session. The Kidscope representatives were not present. <br />He said that there is talk about different types of funding, up to $60,000 a year in rent, which the <br />program does not have. He said that it would be good to get this issue settled in an amicable <br />and positive way. <br />Chair Carey said that he would like to have the facts on the Kidscope issue. <br />Commissioner Foushee - no comments. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the sidewalk issue, and said that she reviewed <br />the Chapel Hill Town Council information, and Chapel Hill needs to send to Orange County a <br />resolution asking that the County work with the Town. She said that it is similar to the <br />Homestead Road project. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the bond to secure school sites and she said <br />that the County used to dedicate one cent on the property tax for the SchooUPark Reserve <br />Fund, with the idea of identifying sites for parks and schools and buying them. Over time, the <br />one cent allocation has decreased to zero and the money has been used for other things. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she and Commissioner Jacobs went to the last Master <br />Aging Plan Steering Committee meeting. The recommendations will be forwarded to the Board <br />soon. She made reference to the furnishings and outfitting of the Seymore Center, and she <br />wants to know what the shortfall is and haw this stands. The Board already agreed not to ask <br />the senior citizens for money. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she and Commissioner Jacabs also went to the New <br />Hope Park at Blackwood Farm meeting. The work is continuing. <br />Chair Carey commended the Human Relations Commission for kicking off the Human <br />Rights and Relations Month with a great event this past Sunday. <br />Chair Carey said that he picked up a copy of Status of Women Related to Obesity <br />Report from the Commission for Women. He said that there is good information in this report. <br />Chair Carey said that the County Commissioners received a letter from the Chair of the <br />Affordable Housing Advisory Board related to the anticipated redevelopment of the Daniel <br />Boone Village Complex. There are two mobile home communities that have potential of being <br />uprooted. The Chair asked the County Commissioners to verify information related to this and <br />to discuss with the Town of Hillsborough to try and mitigate the impacts of this redevelopment. <br />He suggested that the Board ask the Manager to get information about how many people would <br />be at risk of being uprooted with this redevelopment. The Board agreed. <br />Chair Carey said that he mentioned last year to the Bond Counsel that the Board of <br />Commissioners made an effort many years ago to keep the business related to hiring Bond <br />Counsel local. He said that the current Bond Counsel is local and is good. He has raised the <br />possibility of bringing in and working with some Bond Counsel from minority law firms in the <br />state to try to promote one of the goals, which is to provide opportunities for minority firms and <br />entrepreneurs to develop in the County. The Bond Counsel is going to bring a proposal forward <br />for doing co-counseling. <br />Chair Carey said that he had asked Commissioner Foushee to represent the Board of <br />County Commissioners on the First School Committee and she agreed to do this over the winter <br />break. He asked if the Board was okay with this and the Board agreed. <br />4. County Manager's Report <br />Laura Blackmon said that the Board discussed the lottery proceeds at the last work <br />session, and the Board asked to review the capital funding policy. This is ready in draft form <br />and the staff will present it to the Board of County Commissioners at the end of February. She <br />proposed an afternoon work session to focus just on this capital funding policy. <br />She referred to the Manager's Memo, which has information about the NC 57 Solid <br />Waste Convenience Center. She said that the County has known far a while that the property is <br />
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