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<br />down each day into the sewer. He asked if there could be any design changes to Eubanks <br />Road to accommodate the vehicles and the potential contaminants. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the recommendation is to solicit input on the two <br />potential sites from the partners and report back at a future meeting. He said to use specific <br />dates. He would suggest that this come back by the March 1St meeting with comments from the <br />towns. He would also like to ask the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro if they wish to have the <br />County consider the US 70 site, despite its additional costs to their respective jurisdictions. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />solicit input on the two potential sites from the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro and report <br />back on March 1St, with the specifics as stated above by Commissioner Jacobs. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Carey asked staff to draft a letter for him as soon as possible to the towns. <br />b. CHCCS Elementary #10 Project Update <br />The Board received an update regarding CHCCS Elementary #10. <br />Budget Director Donna Coffey said that late Friday afternoon the staff received a memo <br />from Superintendent Neil Pedersen about funding Elementary #10 at $24.3 million. The <br />information that was presented to the Board in September regarding the debt plans included <br />$21 million for Elementary #10, with an additional $1.2 million for water and sewer. She said <br />that there are a lot of analyses that need to be done at this point, and these are listed in the <br />abstract. She said that to fund this completely, the County would have to go over the 15°lo debt <br />capacity limit, or cut County projects. <br />Laura Blackmon said that there are several issues to be resolved. These include some <br />design components that the CHCCS wanted to delete; concerns with debt capacity; concerns <br />regarding County projects that may not be completed; and issues dealing with water and sewer <br />and infrastructure. She is requesting that staff have additional time to analyze and review the <br />impacts of this increased funding request. <br />Jamezetta Bedford, Chair of CHCCS Board, said that last Thursday their board <br />authorized administration to submit this request to the Board of County Commissioners for a <br />capital project ordinance to fund this project. She said that they wanted to get it to the BOCC <br />two weeks earlier, but they had to evaluate the differences between the single-prime and multi- <br />prime contract approaches. She said that the school board reviewed the list of proposed project <br />cuts, considering which items would be paid for over time, energy savings versus upfront costs, <br />and what could be eliminated or built later. Regarding sustainability features, rainwater <br />collection remains in the proposal. The school board decided that the solar panels and solar <br />hot water heating system should remain in the project. She said that the other projects taken <br />out reduced the project by $634,319 with the multi-prime contractor, but the project still remains <br />over budget. The $24.3 million request includes the $1.2 million special County contribution <br />and $900,000 already approved for planning. She said that the Carrboro Board of Aldermen <br />has a list of conditions to meet, but all are doable and only two resulted in additional cast. She <br />said that, in order to meet an August 2008 timeframe they need to break ground in March. The <br />CHCCS elementary schools are over capacity and SAPFO can kick in, but she thinks that this <br />should be avoided if possible. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that the County Commissioners just received materials this <br />afternoon, but they need time to digest this information. He said that the question for him is not <br />if they decide to do this, but how. He commended the school board far leaving the solar <br />features in. <br />Commissioner Gordan asked haw long the bids were good and Steve Scroggs said until <br />March 14, 2007. <br />