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<br />money for this. Staff is going to be going back to some of the private entities to get more <br />money. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested changing the request to get the entire center and <br />Commissioner Nelson agreed. <br />Laura Blackmon asked if the County Commissioners were looking to ask the legislature <br />to fund the $1.5 million, plus the $500,000 of startup costs. Commissioner Nelson said to ask <br />for a specific amount, and he said to confer with Representatives Hackney and Faison's office. <br />Chair Carey suggested transmitting a letter to the delegation. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested referring this to the Legislative Committee to retool <br />this. The Board agreed. <br />The public hearing will be kept open until there is a report from the Manager an February <br />20tH <br />9. Items for Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. Site Selection: Orange County Transfer Station <br />The Board considered findings pertinent to site selection for a proposed Orange County <br />Transfer Station. <br />Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson said that the Board discussed this on January 23rd, <br />and the Board asked staff to review the list of community concerns and identify potential <br />solutions or responses. Attachment A addresses this request. Secondly, the Board asked staff <br />to provide information regarding analysis of two sites under consideration to host the transfer <br />station. This information is in Attachment B. <br />Regarding community concerns, Gayle Wilson said that he believes that the County is <br />primarily responsible and the primary entity to address those concerns related to refuse <br />handling at a transfer station and overall transfer station operations, landfill operations and <br />facilities {including convenience centers), odor control, vermin control, environmental protection, <br />litter control, leaking vehicles, and the routing of County collection vehicles and County drivers <br />obeying traffic laws. The staff is presently dealing with many of the other matters and will <br />continue to do so. He said that other entities are primarily responsible for the speed limits and <br />traffic control devices in the neighborhoods; future development in the Rogers Road area; and <br />community amenities {sidewalks, streetlights, bus services, etc.). Gayle Wilson said that the <br />Town of Chapel Hill has recently established the Rogers Road Small Area Plan Task Force. <br />Chair Carey and Rogers Road area resident and Solid Waste Advisory Board member Bonnie <br />Norwood are both members of this task force. He said that staff believes that many issues of <br />concern to the neighborhood will be addressed through the task force process. <br />Regarding the two sites, both sites are large enough to accommodate a transfer station <br />facility, and both sites are readily accessible to the interstate. However, there are considerable <br />differences in other aspects of the important siting elements. The staff believes that the <br />alternate site would be of considerable more expense for the County and the interlocal <br />agreement partners to haul the waste to the facility, excluding Hillsborough. <br />Given the potential significant impact on the County's partners, the Towns of Carrboro <br />and Chapel Hill, the Manager is recommending that the Board direct staff to solicit input from <br />the towns regarding the transfer station siting decision and report back to the Board as soon as <br />passible. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Sharon Cook read a prepared statement, as follows: <br />"Keeping our promises -especially those made to the poor and least powerful in our <br />community - is in itself the most compelling reason to site the garbage transfer station at an <br />alternative site to Eubanks Road. <br />