Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> earnest money may be paid with prior written approval of the NCDOCCJPP. Written <br /> notice of plans to locate a facility or program shall be provided by the Grantee county to <br /> the Board of County Commissioners in the Grantee county and, if a different county, to <br /> the Board of County Commissioners in the county in which the proposed facility or <br /> program is to be located. A copy of this notice shall also be provided to the Grantor. <br /> It is the specific responsibility of the Grantee to ensure that the Board(s) of County <br /> Commissioners and any local government body with authority over the Grantee county or <br /> the jurisdiction in which the facility or program is to be located approves of the use of a <br /> particular site for any operations paid for in whole or in part by NCDOCCJPP funds. <br /> Further,title to any property must be held as stated in III.K. above. <br /> IV. Operational Procedures <br /> A. County Policies In Effect: The Grantee county shall manage the grant funds and ensure <br /> that the program operation and all grant fund expenditures are carried out under the fiscal <br /> policies of the Grantee county, except where otherwise provided for in this contract. <br /> B. Implementation of Project Within Sixty Days: The Grantee agrees to implement <br /> NCDOCCJPP projects within sixty days following the grant contract effective date, <br /> except as provided below or be subject to automatic cancellation of the grant. An <br /> extension may be authorized if requested and justified in writing during the initial sixty- <br /> day period. Implementation includes hiring of staff or expenditure of funds as stated in <br /> the budget of an approved NCDOCCJPP plan or application. <br /> C. Accounting Requirements: Grantee agrees to record all project costs following <br /> generally accepted fund accounting procedures. A separate account number or cost <br /> recording system must separate all project costs from the Grantee's other or general <br /> expenditures. Adequate documentation must be maintained for all project expenditures <br /> and commitment of funds. Such financial records and supporting documentation must be <br /> retained and available for audit purposes for three years following the end of the grant <br /> period. Adequate documentation is defined as follows for each major budget category: <br /> 1. Personnel: Documentation must include time and attendance records, payroll <br /> periods, payment rate and a brief description of the service(s) provided. Time <br /> Reports must be signed by the employee and supervisor. This requirement <br /> applies to all personnel paid from NCDOCCJPP grant funds. All salary increases <br /> must comply with CJPP policy and be approved as.a part of the annual grant <br /> submission or in subsequent program/budget amendment requests. <br /> 2. Contractual Services: For individual contractual service providers, <br /> documentation must include the signed contract, time and attendance reports <br /> showing time period, payment rate, hours per day and service(s) provided. <br /> Documentation must be signed by the contractual service provider and the project <br /> director. In case of organizations performing professional services, <br /> documentation must include a detailed billing indicating services performed or <br /> products delivered, payment rate consistent with contractual agreement, and <br /> approval by the project director. <br /> Page 4---July 1,2041 to June 30,2002 <br />