Orange County NC Website
Go Fund mappings <br /> Since the County is in the process of selecting a new general ledger accounting system,the County has elected to use <br /> Go Fund in the interim to accumulate the data necessary to produce the government wide financial statements. Our <br /> deliverable for this project will be to go through the June 30, 2001 trial balance and map the existing general ledger <br /> accounts so that the detail information can be sorted as required to produce the government wide financial statements <br /> for June 30, 2002. <br /> Computation of beginning of the year conversion adjustments <br /> GASB 34 requires that the County present government wide financial statements for the year ended June 30,2001.This <br /> is going to require that the County calculate and record beginning of the year conversion entries for the governmental <br /> funds. The entries required will be the recording of accounts receivable, capital assets, long term debt, accumulated <br /> depreciation, and the elimination of internal service funds. Our deliverable will be the accumulation of these entries <br /> as of June 30, 2001 into a template that can be used at June 30, 2002. <br /> Computation of current year refunding conversion adjustment <br /> The County did a refunding on general obligation bonds in July of 2001. GASB 34 requires that all general fund <br /> refundings occurring after the implementation date be converted to the proprietary basis of reporting in the government <br /> wide financial statements. Our deliverable will be to go through the bond documents and calculate this adjusting entry <br /> for the year ended June 30,2002. <br /> Computation of beginning of the year net assets <br /> GASB 34 requires that net assets be presented on government wide financial statements in the following categories, <br /> investment in capital assets, net of related debt, restricted and unrestricted. Our deliverable will include the <br /> development of a template which calculates these balances as of June 30, 2001 that can be used at year end. <br /> Drafting of notes to the general purpose financial statements <br /> The new reporting model will require that additional disclosures be included in the notes to the general-purpose <br /> financial statements. Our deliverable for this project will be to draft these additional note disclosures based upon the <br /> June 30, 2001 financial statements and provide them to you in a word document. <br /> Preparation of pro-forma Government Wide Financial Statements <br /> We will prepare pro-forma government wide financial statements based upon the June 30,2001 financial statements. <br /> The statements to be included will be the statement of net assets and statement of activities.The statement of net assets <br /> will report on all of the non-fiduciary activities of the County and its component units.The statement of activities will <br /> report the degree to which the direct expenses of a given function or segment are offset by program revenues. All of <br /> this information will be provided to you on a template. <br /> Preparation of a preliminary Management's Discussion & Analysis <br /> We will prepare a preliminary management's discussion and analysis based upon the June 30,2001 general-purpose <br /> financial statements and the pro-forma government wide financial statements. Areas to be addressed in this report <br /> includes financial highlights, an overview of the financial statements, an analysis of the government wide financial <br /> statements,a discussion of budgetary highlights, and a discussion of capital asset and debt administration. <br /> The working papers for the engagement are the property of Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, L.L.P. and constitute <br /> confidential information. Except as discussed below, any requests for access to our working papers will be discussed <br /> with you prior to making them available to requesting parties. <br />