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<br />k. Agreement for Groundwater Monitoring for the Landfill <br />The Board considered extending the Solid Waste Department agreement with Research <br />and Analytical Laboratories, Inc. for groundwater monitoring services at the Orange County <br />Landfill for three additional years through December 31, 2009 and authorizing the Chair to sign, <br />subject to final review by the County Attorney. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the Manager knew if these wells could also be used as <br />sampling wells for the groundwater effort. There has been discussion about having a series of <br />wells through which movement of groundwater could be monitored in the County. It would <br />seem that if new wells would not have to be drilled, it would save money. <br />Laura Blackman said that these wells are monitored for something different. She will <br />check on this possibility. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacabs, seconded by Commissioner Faushee to <br />approve extending the Solid Waste Department agreement with Research and Analytical <br />Laboratories, Inc. for ground water monitoring services at the Orange County Landfill for three <br />additional years through December 31, 2009 and authorize the Chair to sign, subject to final <br />review by the County Attorney, and to also ask staff to pursue other options to use this <br />monitoring device. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the County Commissioners all agreed to ask staff to <br />pursue other options of using this monitoring device and the Board agreed. <br />t. Confirmation of Proposed Land Swap Pertaining to the Fairview Public Campus <br />Master Plan <br />The Board considered confirmation of a proposed land swap with the Town of <br />Hillsborough related to the Fairview Public Campus Master Plan. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the second recommendation from the <br />Manager, which is commit to discuss/consider providing an alternative amenity instead of the <br />tennis courts, as proposed by the Hillsborough Board of Commissioners, before the design and <br />construction of the park facilities. She said that she attended a Recreation and Parks Advisory <br />Committee meeting and the Vice-Chair, Deborah Judd, said that she talked to a Hillsborough <br />Town Board member, and the Hillsborough Town Board no longer has the objection. She does <br />not know how to handle this. <br />Assistant County Manager Gwen Harvey said that Recreation and Parks Director Lori <br />Taft may have more information and Commissioner Gordon asked that the answer be put in <br />writing from the Hillsborough Town Board. <br />Lori Taft said that the report that was given by a member of the RPAC stated that she <br />had been in contact with one of the Town Commissioners, who mentioned that the whole board <br />discussed this idea and concluded that they no longer had the objection. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the recommendation from the Manager just asks that the <br />Board commit to discuss and consider and it does not commit the Board to do it. In the interim, <br />there can be a written expression from the Town about its intentions. He was part of the group, <br />and the community group did support having tennis courts. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordan, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />confirm the proposed land swap as outlined and applicable to the approved Fairview Public <br />Campus Master Plan; and commit to discusslconsider providing an alternative amenity instead <br />of the tennis courts, as proposed by the Hillsborough Board of Commissioners, before the <br />design and construction of the park facilities, and seek further clarification in writing from the <br />Town Board as to what it wishes to pursue. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />