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<br />Chair Carey made reference to Commissioner Jacobs' comment about the Carolina <br />North meeting. He said that it is significant that UNC has decided to place easements and <br />convey to a third party the holding of the easement. He remembers discussing this a few years <br />ago, and this was not something that UNC was willing to consider. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that a regional effort an transportation does not mean that <br />Orange County will not get anything. This would be part of the discussion. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />5. Items for Decision--Consent Agenda <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br />approve those items on the consent agenda as stated below: <br />a. Minutes <br />The Board approved the minutes for November 14 and 20, and December 4, 2006 as submitted <br />by the Clerk to the Board. <br />b. Appointments <br />(1 y Commission for the Environment -Reappointments <br />The Board reappointed Tam O'Dwyer and Bill Kaiser to the Commission for the Environment <br />to first full terms ending December 31, 2009. <br />c. Motor Vehicle Property Tax ReleaselRefunds <br />The Board adopted a refund resolution, which is incorporated by reference, related to 69 <br />requests for motor vehicle property tax releases or refunds in accordance with North Carolina <br />General Statutes. <br />d. Applications for Property Tax Exemption <br />The Board approved seven (7) untimely applications for exemption/exclusion from ad Val Orem <br />taxation for the 2006 tax year. <br />e. Property Value Changes <br />The Board adopted a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, approving value changes <br />made in property values after the 2006 Board of Equalization and Review has adjourned. <br />f. Property Tax Release <br />The Board adopted a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, to release the property <br />value related to one (1) request far property tax release in accordance with N.C. General <br />Statute 105-381. <br />g_ Resolution Creating a Special Board of Equalization and Review <br />The Board adapted a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, to appoint a special board <br />of equalization and review, and established the recommended level of compensation for <br />members of the E&R Board. Further, the Baar directed staff to recruit applicants far the E&R <br />Board, with appointments to be made at a future Commissioners' meeting. <br />h. Resolution in Support of Local Fees for Food and Lodging Inspections <br />The Board adopted a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, in support of state <br />associations that call for legislation to allow counties the option to set fees for the inspection of <br />food and lodging establishments and authorized the Chair to sign. <br />i. Aareement Renewal far Adopt a Child Care Dental Screenina Proiect Coordinator <br />The Board renewed the agreement for a Project Coordinator for the Adopt a Child Care Dental <br />Screening Project and authorized the Chair to sign. <br />L 2006-2007 Small Business and Technology Development Center iSBTDC) Contract <br />Renewal <br />The Board renewed a contract to continue support of small business development services for <br />Orange County as stated in the Economic Development Strategic Plan and authorized the <br />Manager and Clerk to execute the contract. <br />