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<br />an implementation phase that would include an interlocal agreement with Hillsborough. He said <br />that he wants to move this forward so the public can weigh in. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones <br />shared with him an exchange of emails about the tree fencing at the new senior center and <br />whether or not it was adequately protecting the root systems of same of the trees. He asked <br />Pam Jones to share this with the Board because he wants to make sure the concerns are <br />addressed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he was listening to the radio after the groundbreaking for <br />the aquatic center, and someone on CHL said that the aquatics center should be free to citizens <br />of Chapel Hill and there should only be a small fee for others. He said that if the County is <br />putting $4 million into a building, that it should be clear that no citizen of Orange County should <br />be paying to use the pool. <br />Commissioner Nelson - no comments. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that on January 25t" at 5:30 p.m., the Ena EDD Task Force <br />will meet at the Economic Development office. <br />Chair Carey said that he represented the Orange County Board of Commissioners at the <br />groundbreaking of the Homestead Road aquatic center yesterday, and reminded people that <br />Orange County is contributing $4.3 of the $5.2 million needed to construct the facility. He said <br />that he did not hear this comment on the radio, and the County Commissioners may need to <br />weigh in on that, because it should be available to all residents of Orange County since all <br />residents of Orange County contributed to it. The facility should be ready to use in about 18 <br />months. <br />Chair Carey said that the Board will be rescheduling the joint meeting with the Town of <br />Hillsborough, which was scheduled for February 15t". The new date is tentatively set for March <br />19t". <br />Chair Carey said that there was a dinner meeting with an advisory board tentatively <br />scheduled on February 12t", and now this slot must be used to have a public comment period <br />for the animal shelter design committee. This is on a fast track because of the time constraints. <br />There is a Board meeting the evening of February 12t", sa there is a public information session <br />at 5:30 p.m. instead of the advisory board meetings. <br />Chair Carey said that the NCACC has requested an appointment of a County legislative <br />liaison. This is new and is designed to have a person to serve as a conduit for information and <br />to provide information bath ways on the legislative package. Commissioner Nelson volunteered <br />to do this. <br />Chair Carey said that the County Commissioners are going to reconsider the <br />amendments of the Space Study Needs Report on the 30t", but he would also like to see <br />information on the preliminary analysis of the downtown Chapel Hill post office far potential <br />renovations for use of the court facility. The status report is that this will came back to the <br />Board in the spring. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that they also need information on this building because <br />another group is asking to use that facility. Chair Carey asked staff to inquire of the Town about <br />this. <br />4. County Manager's Report <br />Laura Blackmon said that she had forwarded to the County Commissioners a memo <br />from Superintendent Neil Pedersen regarding the First School moving forward. The memo <br />asked for a Board of County Commissioners' representative and Commissioner Foushee <br />volunteered to be the representative. <br />