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<br />Commissioner Gordon pointed out that there would be five friends groups, including the <br />Friends of the Chapel Hill Library. Brenda Stephens pointed out that the other four were the <br />Cybrary, CarrboralMcDougle, the main library, and Cedar Grove. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve establishing the charge and formalizing appointments, with the addition of the Chapel <br />Hill Friends group to the composition and addition of Mike Gering as representative from the <br />Town of Hillsborough, to the Library Services Task Force as follow up to the BOCC discussion <br />from its meeting on December 12, 2007. <br />VOTE UNANIMOUS <br />e. Appointments <br />1) Hollow Rock Park Planning Committee <br />The Board considered making appointments to the Hollow Rock Park Planning <br />Committee. <br />Commissioner Jacobs volunteered to be the BOCC representative. He also suggested <br />appointing Judson Edeburn as an ex-officio staff member. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that if the Board wanted to appoint two elected officials, she <br />would like to be the second one. She said that she thinks that the people from the Recreation <br />and Parks group and the Commission for the Environment should definitely be appointed. <br />Commissioner Foushee nominated Gail Boyarsky. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br />appoint Ingrid Medcalf (Recreation and Parks Advisory Council), Gail Boyarsky, and Dawn <br />Santoianni (Commission for the Environment}, with Judson Edeburn as ex-officio staff. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would be the BOCC and Commissioner Gordon would be the alternate. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />2) Commission for Women -NewAppaintments <br />The Board considered making appointments to the Commission for Women. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />appoint the following to the Commission for Women. <br />Position Number Representation Date Potential Appointee <br />1 Non-CHIHiIIs. Townships 6/30/2007 Mary Currie <br />2 Hillsborou h Townshi 6/30/2007 <br />4 Chapel Hill Township 6/30/2009 Judythe Dingfelder <br />7 At-Large 6130/2008 Passion Jones <br />9 Cha el Hill Townshi 6/30/2008 Jennifer F e <br />14 Chapel Hill Township 6/30/2009 Eleanor Ivey <br />15 Non-Chapel HiIIlHills. Township 6/30/2009 Anita Thompson <br />16 Hillsborou h Townshi 6/30!2008 <br />18 At-Large 6/30/2008 Thelma Perkins <br />19 At-Large 6/30!2008 Dr. Dawn Brezina <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />~, Smith Level Road Task Force <br />The Board considered making appointment{s} to the Smith Level Road Taskforce. <br />Commissioner Gordon volunteered to be the Board's representative on the Smith Level <br />Road Taskforce. The Board agreed by consensus. <br />