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<br />Commissioner Jacobs assured Tony Hayes that Orange County wants to continue to <br />work with them and he would like a more proactive relationship with the tribe and the Town. He <br />said that the Caunty is working on a park down there and the Town is working on a river walk. <br />Tony Hayes said that he is a resident of Hillsborough and he certainly wants what is best for <br />Hillsborough and Orange County. As the Tribal Chairman of the Occoneechee, he also wants <br />anything that bears the Occoneechee brand to be a goad reflection. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Board of County Commissioners supports the <br />efforts. <br />Chair Carey said that the tribe is asking the County to work with them to develop a more <br />definitive plan for the site and how the relationship will go forward in the future. He suggested <br />asking the staff to work on this and bring recommendations back on how the relationship can be <br />strengthened. He asked for more information on the land that is being developed nearby and <br />how this site can relate to that site. Tony Hayes said that he is not prepared tonight to discuss <br />this at length, but they are amenable to working with the County. He said that they look to have <br />this older site dovetail into what they are doing with the new site. <br />Laura Blackmon said that the Public Works Department has had one preliminary <br />meeting with some tribe representatives to discuss maintenance issues. She thinks there is a <br />timeframe to have the facility completed. <br />Tony Hayes said that they are looking to remove the village that is there as soon as <br />possible, and then they will come back and work with the County Commissioners to put <br />something first class back in this area. <br />Gene Poveromo lives in the White Crass neighborhood. He read a prepared statement <br />and a letter from his neighbor. He said that they live at 4639 Old Greensboro Road. They are <br />here to ask for help from the County Commissioners to help protect property values and quality <br />of life. They have a situation that has been plaguing the neighborhood for almost seven years. <br />The situation forced a young family with children to sell their home site and move away. Now <br />this situation is making it difficult for another neighbor to sell his property. What is occurring in <br />his neighborhood is also negatively impacting the property values of several other residential <br />properties, not to mention multiple acres of adjacent undeveloped properties. The situation <br />involves the operation of a recreational motocross facility. During the month of December, this <br />activity occurred on no less than 15 days. In addition to zoning issues and extensive clearing <br />and grading associated with this facility; the noise, exhaust fumes, and influx of strangers <br />generated by this activity is at best inconsiderate. It should not be a sanctioned land use in a <br />County that has a land use ordinance. He said that he appeared before the County <br />Commissioners two years ago to comment on proposed revisions to the County's noise <br />ordinance. In particular, the proposed revisions were initiated in response to the Caunty <br />receiving complaints about noise generated on residential properties. He attended two <br />meetings of the County Commissioners, in which the Board discussed the proposed ordinance. <br />He was concerned with the ordinance as finally adopted, but he agreed in front of the County <br />Commissioners to give it a chance. In practice, this ordinance does not work. In 2005, County <br />staff described the approach to manage the noise as, "a nuisance for which a reasonable <br />neighbor approach is suggested." In this particular case, this reasonable approach has failed. <br />He said that tonight, he and his neighbors, Steve and Donna Elkins, are asking the County <br />Commissioners and the staff to commit to addressing this problem. He is asking the County <br />Commissioners to begin the process to amend the noise ordinance such that the noise <br />measurements may be taken on any point on the property and direct the staff to investigate the <br />zoning issues associated with this activity. <br />He then read a letter from Mr. Steve Elkins, his neighbor. He owns 21 acres in southern <br />Orange County. He would like to register a complaint about the motorcycle track, which adjoins <br />his property. Recently, he was laid off from work and has experienced some family health <br />