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<br />Commissioner Gordon said that she has the same concerns as Michelle Kempinski an <br />page 9 from the Planning Board about setting a precedent for other developers and residents, <br />and she feels uncomfortable about this. She said that she always reads the Planning Board <br />comments and she thinks that it would be a mistake to approve this. <br />Commissioner Nelson agreed and said that when you take an action, you do set a <br />precedent. He asked for any other creative solutions. <br />Robert Davis said that going to the BOA was a suggestion. At this time, under flexible <br />development, there is already a 30-foot minimum front yard and a 15-foot side yard. There are <br />three criteria for the BOA -whether there were previous platting requirements, topographical <br />issues, and any public taking. None of these three are met for the BOA to grant a waiver or a <br />variance. <br />Commissioner Nelson asked if the definition of variance was set under state statute and <br />Geof Gledhill said that the County's standards are the ones in the State statutes, and one of the <br />important requirements in the variance is that there be a hardship that is not created by the <br />owner and is unique to the property. <br />Craig Benedict said that the County's setbacks have to do with structures with roofs. He <br />said that there could be an amendment in this case to allow patios, which would be non-roofed <br />structures. This would not set a precedent. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />refer this item back to staff for creative solutions. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Library Services Task Force -Charge and Appointments <br />The Board considered establishing the charge and formalizing appointments to the <br />Library Services Task Force as follow up to the BOCC discussion from its meeting on <br />December 12, 2007. <br />Library Services Director Brenda Stephens said that the staff is ready to take direction. <br />Commissioner Nelson made reference to the proposed charge, the 5th bullet, "Report its <br />recommendations to the BOCC in context of capital investment program planning for FY 2007- <br />08 and future years." He asked what is meant by "in context of the capital investment program." <br />Laura Blackmon said that the County already has a CIP that the Board has approved, and they <br />would like the task force to look at the recommendations in context of the CIP that the Board of <br />County Commissioners has already established. She said that the task force should look at all <br />of the recommendations and not to make a recommendation outside of the other parameters <br />that have already been established. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that he thought the recommendations from the 2004 report <br />were really good, and he thinks that there would be a lot less angst in the community if the <br />timeline were clarified. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the recommendations from 2004 and said that <br />she wants to make sure that the task farce is going to look at all of the reports and <br />recommendations. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there are four groups that there are no names for - <br />Friends of the Cybrary, Chapel Hill Library Friends, Archival Task Force, and the Town of <br />Hillsborough. He said that he called Commissioner Gering, who served on the task force <br />previously, and Commissioner Gering thought that he had indicated that he would serve on this. <br />Somehow this was not communicated. His name will be added. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested approving the group with the understanding that when <br />people come fonrvard from specific groups, that they can come to the meeting and be appointed <br />later. The Board agreed. <br />Laura Blackmon made reference to page 32, which is the 2004 recommendations and <br />response from staff. <br />