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<br />alternatives. Commissioner Gordon and Commissioner Nelson will flesh out the alternative <br />transportation project. The Board agreed. <br />Geof Gledhill pointed out that with the money items, there is flexibility and no time limits <br />on these. <br />Laura Blackmon reminded the Board that there is a Legislative Delegation Breakfast an <br />February Stn <br />Chair Carey made reference to the sales tax exemption for OWASA and asked about <br />incorporating this. Commissioner Gordon said that the wording would be important. Geof <br />Gledhill suggested just saying OWASA and then there is no risk of being misunderstood. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that every year he has been on the Board, there was a public <br />hearing on their legislative agenda, but not this year. Chair Carey said that the legislative <br />delegation has specifically asked that the County have public hearings in the past. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that this was discussed, but other jurisdictions in the area do <br />not have public hearings. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she remembers discussing this in December and the <br />County Commissioners told the staff to fonrvard the items to the Chair and the Vice Chair at <br />agenda review and get the interpretation of whether there should be a public hearing. <br />Chair Carey said that it is a good idea to have public hearings on legislative agenda <br />items and this should be done in the future. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested having a public hearing on this on February Otn <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br />approve potential items (3} and amended sales tax item to include OWASA for inclusion in <br />Orange County's legislative agenda package for the 2007 North Carolina General Assembly <br />Session for presentation to Orange County's legislative delegation and the leadership of the <br />North Carolina General Assembly and to hold a public hearing on February 6tn <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Preliminary Plan Modification for Lots 22-26 of Ashwick Subdivision <br />The Board received the Administration and Planning Board recommendations and <br />considered making a decision concerning the modified preliminary plan for Lots 22 - 26 of the <br />Ashwick Subdivision. <br />Current Planning Supervisor Robert Davis said that this is a request to modify the <br />preliminary plan for five lots in this subdivision. This S8-lot subdivision was approved in May <br />2001, and the lots were platted in two phases. At some point later on, building permits were <br />issued far two of the lots, and the other three lots belong to the builder. There was a request <br />close to a year ago for an accessory structure to be built on the rear of one of the lots, and one <br />of the platting requirements for the subdivision when it was initially approved is that there has to <br />be a 100-foot building envelope buffer along the perimeter of the subdivision. In the 100-foot <br />building envelope, approximately 40 feet of that is in common-owned open space, and the <br />remaining portion is in the individual lots 22-26. This 100-foot buffer prohibits building of any <br />structures. All of the owners in the subdivision have signed that they are knowledgeable of this <br />request and have agreed to allow this to come to the Board far consideration to modify the 100- <br />foot buffer down to 75 feet. The Planning Board voted 9-1 and asked the staff to look into doing <br />a potential text amendment to avoid these situations, which are all over the County under the <br />current rules. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he does not feel comfortable doing this after looking at <br />the Planning Board discussion and comments from the builder. He thinks that people using the <br />front yard setback and going to the Board of Adjustment is a much mare reasonable approach. <br />He would prefer this route rather than setting a precedent and encouraging other people to do <br />the same. <br />