Orange County NC Website
<br />Chair Carey thanked Commissioner Nelson and Commissioner Gordon for working an <br />this agenda. <br />Commissioner Nelson thanked staff for information gathered and said that they reviewed <br />dozens of legislative issues and decided to keep the list short and focused since there is so <br />much clutter in the legislature. This list includes priorities listed as tap priorities of the NCACC <br />and TJCOG. A funding request far the value added processing center was included of $15,000 <br />for a study, which would benefit the agricultural community. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there was a bill that was introduced about how <br />subdivision lots are counted. The County Commissioners opposed this previously. He asked <br />Commissioner Nelson if they opposed it this time. Commissioner Nelson said that they did <br />discuss that bill. He would want to oppose it again. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that they wanted to try and keep up with what the legislature <br />was doing, but if this bill surfaces, then the County Commissioners can weigh in then. <br />Chair Carey said that he does not remember this bill being discussed this year by the <br />NCACC, but the policy statement of the NCACC gives guidance to the staff to oppose any bill <br />like this if it tames up. This is why the NCACC has asked counties to appoint a legislative <br />liaison. <br />Geof Gledhill said that it is in the defensive goals and priorities of the Triangle J Council <br />of Governments. <br />Laura Blackman said that the NCACC lobbying staff is going to be holding weekly <br />conference calls with local government staff to monitor the process of the legislative agenda. <br />The staff can alert the County Commissioners when a defensive stand needs to be taken. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he appreciated them bringing up the value added <br />processing center, but he is perplexed because the County has gotten contributions already <br />from three other entities and this is a tiny amount of money. He wondered why this should ga to <br />the legislature. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that the group looked at other alternatives, but he saw this as <br />an appealing request. He said that this is the kind of thing that the legislation likes to fund. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he does not know what to say to a Durham ar Alamance <br />County Commissioner when they offer their money for this. If there were same way to do this <br />on a parallel track he would support this. <br />Chair Carey said that there are plans to meet with the ChairslVice Chairs of the <br />Chatham and Alamance Commissioners to see what they think. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that another funding request go to the legislature -the <br />Heritage Center. The location of the facility could be taken out and the County could ask the <br />State to match the funding for the library. This will allow for two items an the table for funding. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that they did not ga with the Heritage Center originally <br />because the proposal was incomplete and not fleshed out. <br />Commissioner Nelson asked about the timeline far the space needs study and Laura <br />Blackmon said that staff will be coming back an January 30th to talk about the projections for the <br />space needs. <br />Commissioner Nelson asked if the Heritage Center could be fleshed out by then and <br />Laura Blackmon said yes. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that it might be fruitful to run these projects parallel. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thinks that the County Commissioners should make <br />a general comment to the legislature to alert them about the alternative modes of transportation <br />that do not have any adequate funding streams. She has no problem with considering more <br />than one project, but she just wants it to be viable and fleshed out. <br />Chair Carey said that he has heard from at least three Commissioners to go forward with <br />the feasibility study for the value added center, the Heritage Center, and perhaps transportation <br />