Orange County NC Website
<br />Sanitary Sewer: <br />• for years you've said na sewer in the neighborhood unless you want it; is that an <br />accurate observation <br />Litter: <br />• concerned about trucks pulling aver down the road and putting tarp on just before <br />entering transfer station <br />• who will monitor uncovered trucks <br />• will sheriff or state patrol be responsible for uncovered trucks <br />• concerned about litter from uncovered trucks <br />• what is law an covering hauled loads <br />Gayle Wilson said that he had a complete listing of all of the comments for anyone that <br />would like to have them. Chair Carey and Commissioner Foushee attended the meeting also. <br />Chair Carey said that he appreciated the residents that came out to share their views. <br />He said that he did inform the residents that there was another possible site far this transfer <br />station under consideration as well. He said that he did let them know that this will be a Board <br />of County Commissioners' decision. He said that they tried to address the issue of not having a <br />24-hour patrol by law officials in this area for trucks that do not always use tarps. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that she was pleased that the conversation remained civil <br />that night and that Gayle Wilson did a good job explaining the process and how a transfer <br />station works. She said that there were concerns about issues over which the County does not <br />have jurisdiction, such as the speed limit. There were questions about the possibility of placing <br />speed bumps on Rogers Road. She thinks it is the County Commissioners' responsibility to <br />ensure that those concerns over which the County has no jurisdiction are explained and that <br />there is a way to transfer that information to those who do have jurisdiction. <br />Chair Carey said that he informed the group of aprocess -the Town of Chapel Hill is <br />doing a small area study for the Rogers Road area -and this might provide an additional <br />opportunity to address some of the concerns that were raised. He is the County's <br />representative on this group. <br />Commissioner Jacobs thanked staff, Chair Carey, and Commissioner Foushee and he <br />suggested that it might be useful for staff to attempt to answer these concerns and clarifications <br />about what is in the County's purview and what is not. He challenged staff to come up with <br />creative solutions to some of these concerns. He gave an example of the rock quarry and the <br />discussing of having American Stone contribute to a deputy to patrol the trucks. This kind of <br />arrangement might be worth considering in this situation. <br />Chair Carey asked staff to come back with answers to concerns and clarifications on the <br />issues that are or are not within the County's jurisdiction. <br />Chair Carey said that the County Commissioners need to provide guidance to staff on <br />the next steps. The staff is supposed to come back to the Board on February 7th with the <br />analysis report, comparing the remaining two sites. The Board agreed. <br />b. Orange County's Proposed 2007 Leclislative Agenda <br />The Board considered reviewing, discussing, and approving potential items for inclusion <br />in Orange County's legislative agenda package for the 20Q7 North Carolina General Assembly <br />Session for presentation to Orange County's legislative delegation and the leadership of the <br />North Carolina General Assembly. <br />