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<br />to initiate the process to incorporate the Flood Insurance Rate Maps {FIRMS} into the Zoning <br />Ordinance as a new overlay district and to incorporate the FDPO in the Zoning Ordinance by <br />reference. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that his second was with the understanding that he agrees <br />with Commissioner Gordan's statements about public hearings and the process. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />9. Items for Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. Development of Orange County Transfer Station <br />The Board considered accepting a report on the January 18~" landfill community meeting <br />and discussing and providing direction to staff regarding a location far an Orange County <br />Transfer Station. <br />Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson reviewed how the landfill community meeting went. <br />The meeting was January 18t" at the Faith Tabernacle Oasis Church of Love on Rogers Road. <br />He said that he explained the background and the specifics of a transfer station. A summary of <br />the comments is shown below: <br />Meeting Summary <br />Landfill Neighborhood Community Meeting <br />January 18, 2007 <br />Comments were received on the following topics during the meeting and have been grouped for <br />ease of consideration. A complete listing of citizen questions and comments are available upon <br />request. <br />Current Landfill Issues <br />Traffic: <br />speed limit on Rogers and Eubanks Road <br />easier ID of speeding government collection vehicles by placing a big number on the <br />sides of the trucks, two feet high, so that it is easily seen and reported <br />Eubanks Road needs to be 3 lanes <br />Odor: <br />• concern about the odor being bad for your health <br />• neighbors don't deserve the odor. <br />• the pungent order that exists out there is awful <br />• how long will the landfill smell after it closes <br />Groundwater: <br />• concern about the water contamination <br />Other Solid Waste Facilities/Services to Remain: <br />• what other landfills will remain open on Eubanks after this landfill unit closes <br />Potential Transfer Station Issues <br />Past Promises/Unfair: <br />• getting dumped on again <br />