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5 <br /> Leased space at 110 S. Churton Street <br /> 1) As you know, HRR is housed in leased space at 110 S.,Churton Street. The lease for that <br /> space expires on December 1, 2003. When the lease expires, we would not anticipate <br /> recommending it for renewal for a number of reasons, including, but not limited to the <br /> following: <br /> a) First, the Human Rights/Commission for Women function that was originally moved to <br /> this location found the space suitable for their operation. However, with the significant <br /> growth of the department over the past few years and the evolution of their function, the <br /> facility serves neither the department nor their clients adequately. <br /> b) Further, the OPC Family Counseling Center that occupies the upper floor of the building <br /> has also outgrown the space and is seeking alternative rental space. Tom Maynard, <br /> OPC Executive Director advises me that they will secure and pay for the leased space <br /> on their own. <br /> c) Yet another issue associated with this leased premises is that part of the approximately <br /> $63,000 annual lease payment for this location includes the Landlord's responsibility to <br /> pay costs of utilities. Four times during the past year, services have interrupted due to his <br /> non-payment of bills. Although we have counseled the landlord numerous times <br /> regarding the unacceptability of this type of behavior, our efforts have been only <br /> marginally successful. The latest episode of water service interruption occurred less <br /> than 30 days ago. For these and other reasons, I believe it prudent to not renew the <br /> lease at its expiration. <br /> Additional Fiscal Considerations <br /> 1) By the end of the lease period for 110 S. Churton Street (Dec 1 2003), the annual lease <br /> amount will be in excess of$65,000. It may be worth reminding ourselves that the revenue <br /> derived from the rented space at 501 W. Franklin St. serves to support debt service <br /> payments for the entire facility. Although we would not charge rent for the space occupied <br /> by HRR, the significant expenditure reduction would lessen the impact of any lost revenue. <br /> 2) In addition, you may recall that the Skills Development Center (SDC)financing had two <br /> components. One portion of the loan for the SDC side was deemed public purpose and <br /> therefore borrowed at a lower rate, while the loan on the 501 portion of the building carried a <br /> higher rate because its primary occupants were not public purpose. If the Board chooses to <br /> allow the Visitor's Bureau and HRR to locate in this building, that public/private balance will <br /> swing to the public side and 1 am advised by the Finance Director that refinancing the loan at <br /> a lower rate can occur, thereby saving additional money over the remaining life of the loan. <br />