Orange County NC Website
<br />WHEREAS, Owner-operator Robert Poitras founded the business based on a business plan he <br />developed as a student during his senior year at UNC Chapel Hill; and <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Poitras was the recipient of the 2005 North Carolina Small Business <br />Restaurant Neighbor Award for Community Service and was a national finalist; and <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Poitras and the restaurant have contributed to over 50 charities and causes in <br />2006; and <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Poitras is currently the youngest board member of the North Carolina <br />Restaurant and Lodging Association; and <br />WHEREAS, Carolina Brewery's Flagship IPA was awarded a Gold Medal in the English Style <br />India Pale Ale category at this Fall's Great American Beer Festival in Denver, Colorado; <br />WHEREAS, the 2006 Great American Beer Festival winners were selected by an international <br />panel of brewing experts from a field of 2,443 entries received from 450 US breweries; and <br />WHEREAS, Flagship IPA is one of Carolina Breweries core beers and is brewed and served <br />daily at the 460 W. Franklin Street location; and <br />WHEREAS, earlier this year, Carolina Brewery won four Carolina Championship of Beer <br />awards; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />congratulates Robert Poitras and Carolina Brewery for its Gold Medal Award and for its <br />exemplary corporate citizenship. <br />This the 12t" day of December, 2006. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Resolution Honoring Lantern Restaurant <br />The Board considered recognizing Lantern Restaurant, one of only three restaurants in <br />the southeast named as America's Top 50 Restaurants by Gourmet Magazine, and <br />commending its chefs far being strong supporters of local farmers and their products. <br />Dianne Reid said that this restaurant is in the West End of Chapel Hill. She read the <br />resolution. <br />Andrea Reusing, owner of Lantern Restaurant, said that they were honored to be <br />recognized by Orange County. She thanked the County Commissioners for being committed to <br />local farmers. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve recognizing Lantern Restaurant, one of only three restaurants in the southeast named <br />as America's Top 50 Restaurants by Gourmet Magazine, and commend its chefs far being <br />Strang supporters of local farmers and their products. <br />RESOLUTION HONORING LANTERN RESTAURANT <br />