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<br />this is a good improvement and he wants citizens to know that the County is spending money to <br />improve this park, which is at the northern edge of Chapel Hill. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve the purchase of approximately ten acres of land located on Millhouse Road from Mr. <br />David Paydarfar; and authorize the Chair to sign the contract an behalf of the County, subject to <br />final review by staff and County Attorney; and instruct the County Attorney and staff from ERCD <br />and Finance to schedule and complete a closing on the property expected to occur on ar before <br />February 28, 2007. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this Millhouse Road Park should not be confused with <br />the New Hope Park, which is on another Blackwood property. Also, she said that the County <br />Commissioners did have some thoughts that maybe in the future this could be a location for <br />multiple soccer fields. She agreed that this is a good purchase. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />k. Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (Schools APFO} -Approval <br />of Membership and Capacity Numbers <br />The Board considered approval of November 15, 2006 membership and capacity <br />numbers for both school districts (Orange County and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools}, which <br />will be used in developing ten-year student membership projections and the 2007 SAPFO <br />Technical Advisory Committee Report and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict pointed out the revised item, which was the yellow <br />sheet. The table was left blank in the original abstract to receive the final numbers. The new <br />numbers are plugged into the table an the second page of the abstract. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the elementary school numbers and said that <br />no changes have been made to reflect the state's reduction of class size. However, when <br />Elementary School #10 comes online, the changes will be made in capacity. She asked <br />clarifying questions about the numbers and Craig Benedict answered. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the November 15, 2006 Membership and Capacity numbers as submitted by each <br />School District and authorize the Chair to sign the student capacity and membership forms. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. Resolutions or Proclamations <br />a. Resolution Honoring Carolina Brewery <br />The Board considered recognizing Carolina Brewery, whose Flagship IPA was awarded <br />a Gold Medal in the English Style India Pale Ale category at the Great American Beer Festival <br />(The Festival is the largest national Competition that recognizes outstanding beers produced in <br />the United States} and commending Mr. Robert Poitras for his exemplary corporate citizenship. <br />Economic Development Director Dianne Reid recognized Carolina Brewery for receiving <br />this award. She read the resolution. <br />Robert Poitras said that he appreciated this honor and he is glad to be able to have a <br />business in Chapel Hill. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br />approve recognizing Carolina Brewery, whose Flagship IPA was awarded a Gold Medal in the <br />English Style India Pale Ale category at the Great American Beer Festival (The Festival is the <br />largest national Competition that recognizes outstanding beers produced in the United States} <br />and commend Mr. Poitras for his exemplary corporate citizenship. <br />RESOLUTION HONORING CAROLINA BREWERY <br />WHEREAS, Carolina Brewery is in its 12t" year of business and currently employs 65 staff; and <br />