Minutes - 20061207
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20061207
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Chair Carey said that the Board needs to decide how to make future appointments. The <br />Board previously picked three each, and then rotated in a round robin. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested having the ability to trade. She did not like the round <br />robin process. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested protecting the boards where County Commissioners <br />are officers, and if two Commissioners want a board, they can both be on it. <br />Chair Carey clarified that the boards where County Commissioners are officers and the <br />short-term sunset board are being taken off. He suggested that each Commissioner pick two <br />boards, and then start with the least senior member of the Board and round robin. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like for Commissioner Nelson to get what he <br />wants and needs, but she has put a lot of time and expertise into same boards. She said that <br />there is no reason, if someone is interested, to cut someone out if they are really interested. <br />Andy Sachs asked about the dawn side of having multiple Commissioners an a board. <br />Geof Gledhill said that if the majority of the Board starts attending an advisory board, it <br />becomes a Board of County Commissioners' meeting. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that his goal was to get the newer members to try things that <br />other people have done for years. Also, he thinks that if there are too many Commissioners an <br />an advisory board, then it is not an advisory board anymore. Chair Carey agreed. <br />Chair Carey said that each Commissioner could pick two and then go round robin, and <br />this should be enough to preserve the boards and commissions that each member feels mast <br />strongly about. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that if Commissioners could indicate which of their <br />committees they are interested in keeping, this would help him make decisions for himself. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested indicating the number of years that the Commissioners <br />have served on a board ar commission. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there is a whole different category of task forces that did <br />not invite anyone else besides the staff and the County Commissioners. Far example, the <br />Space Needs Study only involved two Commissioners and it is something that could have been <br />handled by all of the Commissioners. She thinks that if there is something that a lot of the <br />Commissioners are interested in, and it is only between staff and Commissioners, then it should <br />be a Board topic. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the reason the County went to task forces was to <br />become more efficient and not have to schedule meetings that work for the County <br />Commissioners, because if three are going, then the other two are left out of the decision <br />making. This way, nothing gets done because everyone has to come to the meeting. <br />Chair Carey agreed and said that this was a decision that the Board made in order to do <br />things mare efficiently. He said that the Board did consciously decide that it wanted to mane in <br />this direction. He still thinks this is appropriate, and if more than two Commissioners volunteer <br />for a board, then only two will have to be selected. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there is no process for the appointments on task farces. <br />Sometimes two people are chosen just in Board comments. She said that it is usually ad hoc, <br />and she would like these to be regularized. <br />Chair Carey said that it is reasonable, as the task forces arise, that the Board can decide <br />which two Commissioners would serve on them. This could be done through Board consensus <br />or volunteering. Commissioner Gordon said that she thinks it has been a little ad hoc at times. <br />She thinks that it should be regularized and put on the agenda with a charge and timeline of <br />reporting. <br />Geof Gledhill said that one of the reasons why it is not more regularized is because it <br />becomes a public meeting, requires public notice, minutes, etc. He said that many of these <br />work groups do not rise to that level. If the Board decides to appoint people and give charges, <br />then it is creating a public body and it is going to be subject to the Open Meetings Law. <br />
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