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Chair Carey said that it would not be a bad thing to say that there will be no new <br />priarities, but he recognizes that the County Commissioners are responsible far addressing the <br />public's needs and there may be something that comes up that the Caunty will be forced to <br />address. <br />Andy Sachs said that he is hearing commitment to attempt to identify priorities and also <br />to discuss some internal issues such as working together. <br />Process for Setting Priority Goals and Objectives for FY 2447-08 <br />• Review proposed process (ta be distributed at the Work session) <br />• Discussion to clarify and revise the proposed process, as necessary. <br />• Decision on a process for setting priority goals and objectives. <br />Andy Sachs said that he would like to meet with each of the Caunty Commissioners prior <br />to the retreat to talk about individual goals and priorities for the next year. The purpose would <br />be to be able to present the Board with a menu of issues and goals so that time is not spent at <br />the retreat generating a list. He reviewed the information on the back of the proposed retreat <br />agenda, as shown below: <br />Following the December 7 Work Session, in preparation for the January 19 retreat: <br />• The facilitator will interview each Board member to identify individual issue priarities <br />and goal priorities for FY 2007-08. <br />• The facilitator will also explore with each Board member their ideas for how the <br />Board can maintain a focus on its priorities, whatever those priorities might be. <br />• Following the interviews, the Manager and facilitator will synthesize the interview <br />data into a draft menu of priority issues and priority goals, and distribute the <br />synthesis for Board member feedback in advance of the retreat. <br />• Based on the feedback from Board members, the Manager and facilitator will then <br />finalize a presentation of priority issue and goal options for Board consideration at <br />the retreat. <br />At the January 19 retreat: <br />• The Board will go through an exercise allowing it to discuss, negotiate for consensus, <br />and if necessary vote to identify a set of issue priorities and goal priorities for FY <br />2007-08. <br />The Board and Manager will set shared expectations for how they will identify <br />resources, monitor and report on progress, and achieve the Board's priorities. <br />See attached draft meeting plan for the retreat. <br />Laura Blackmon said that looking at priorities would entail the County Commissioners <br />analyzing themselves about what a priority is, but could be delayed in place of other issues. <br />She said that there might be some housekeeping issues that need to be addressed to prepare <br />everyone for things that they want but are not quite ready for. <br />Commissioner Faushee asked if there was an assumption that the priorities shared <br />during the interviews have been based on priorities that have been established. Her fear is that <br />a discussion with each Board member separately will generate a number of priorities that are <br />not predicated on previous discussions. She can see that the list will be really long. She said <br />that the Board decided to work on 5-6 priorities about three months ago and the Board should <br />decide if these are still priorities. <br />