Minutes - 20061207
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20061207
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Relevant Terms <br />• Review handout with definitions (see attached). <br />• Proposed definitions of important terms-on back of agenda sheet. <br />Andy Sachs said that the retreat is not for operational discussions, but to talk about <br />issues and the goals for the coming fiscal year. <br />Goal - a general description of the change for a particular issue (i.e., increase the <br />number of affordable housing units in Orange County). <br />Issue - a topic of interest, such as "affordable housing" or "child abuse prevention." <br />Objective - a specific description of the change that we seek, in that it includes the size <br />of the change and a timeframe for the change to happen. For example, "increase the number of <br />affordable housing units in Orange County by 300 before June 30, 2008." <br />Priority -the quality or state of coming earlier. The issues we want to deal with before <br />other issues are "priority issues." The goals we want to achieve before other goals are our <br />"priority goals." <br />Retreat -the time during which the Board and its senior staff identify priority issues and <br />goals, as opposed to work sessions and other meetings when lower-order organizational <br />business is conducted. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested having these definitions displayed during the retreat, <br />so that the County Commissioners do not get last. <br />Chair Carey said that he agrees in general with the definitions of each of these words. <br />He said that the problem is that when the Board camas up with a new priority, it is difficult to <br />figure out where it fits in the context of all of the other things that staff is being asked to da. <br />There is a level of service that the staff has to maintain. He would like to get a better handle on <br />this issue. He said that the Board likes to pile things an the staff and that needs to be <br />addressed. <br />Laura Blackmon said that the mast important definition is setting priorities. There are so <br />many things on the table right now that it is difficult for staff to figure out which things to do first. <br />She said that priority is the key. She said that she hopes that the Board will not come up with <br />new issues. She said that staff needs direction an the issues on the table now. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that, as Commissioners, they are all aggressive in trying to <br />deal with as many problems and areas of improvement as possible, and they encourage staff to <br />be as aggressive and creative as possible also. He said that one priority or goal is to have a <br />zero tax increase. He said that same of the budget drivers are unavoidable, and there should <br />be some sense going into the budget of how much taxes should be raised. He said that the <br />process has not lent itself to discipline. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested at same point during the retreat talking about process <br />issues, such as the issue brought up by Commissioner Foushee of moving the Board comments <br />to another paint of the County Commissioners' meetings. She said that the Board could talk <br />about how it operates during the retreat. <br />Andy Sachs said that an alternative would be to identify process issues such as the <br />agenda as a priority and then the Board could figure out beyond the retreat how it will be <br />organized. <br />Commissioner Nelson agreed about setting time aside at the retreat to talk about <br />organizational issues. He said that, when he was in Carrboro, they set aside an hour to talk <br />about these process or organizational issues at the retreat. He asked if it would be bad as a <br />Board to not add any more to the priority list and not to spend any more money. <br />
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