Minutes - 20061204
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20061204
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Last modified
8/14/2008 1:47:12 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:46:30 PM
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Agenda - 12-04-2006-
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2006\Agenda - 12-04-2006
RES-2006-098 Resolution of Commendation for Commissioner Stephen H. Halkiotis
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2006
RES-2006-103 Bennett-Andrews Preliminary Plan
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<br />Commissioner Foushee said that she attended the initial meeting of the Eno EDD Small <br />Area Task Force. The meeting was very productive. There were officials from Durham City to <br />help with the planning. She said that there are several positions on this task force that are <br />vacant, and four are at-large positions. She encouraged anyone interested in this task force to <br />apply. <br />Commissioner Foushee made reference to the County Commissioners' meeting <br />agendas and suggested moving Board comments to another portion of the agenda, perhaps at <br />the end, because many times the agenda is ambitious and the special presentations are very <br />late. <br />Commissioner Jacobs welcomed Commissioner Nelson and Laura Blackmon. <br />Commissioner Jacobs agreed with taking up the issue brought up by Commissioner <br />Foushee, and he suggested addressing it at the retreat. He said that Andy Sachs from the <br />Dispute Settlement Center is supposed to meet with the Board between the last meeting and <br />the retreat to flesh out the issues far the retreat. <br />Commissioner Jacobs reported that Rod Visser, Purchasing and Central Services <br />Director Pam Jones, a representative from Chapel Hill Public Works, and Mayor Kevin Foy <br />toured the old Chapel Hill post office. The idea is to possibly use it to serve some of the long- <br />term justice facility needs in the southern part of the County. There is 15,000 square feet, and <br />much of it is unused. He suggested that staff work with Chapel Hill staff to do a preliminary <br />analysis on this site as an alternative to having a site on the Homestead campus. The Board <br />agreed. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he talked with Commissioner Jacobs and Laura <br />Blackmon earlier about instances where the County Commissioners raise an issue like this and <br />that the County Commissioners be cognizant that this will add more work for the staff. This <br />suggestion will go on the follow-up sheet. The staff needs to tell the County Commissioners if <br />something cannot be done in a reasonable amount of time. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he has mentioned before that there has been some <br />response from some of the neighboring jurisdictions about the value-added Ag center feasibility <br />study. Chatham County has also responded and the Economic Development Director is going <br />to follow up with the County Commission Chairs that have expressed interest. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he, Chair Carey, and Steve Halkiotis attended the <br />Cooperative Extension Breakfast this morning and the focus was on agriculture. The tentative <br />date for next year's Ag Summit is February 13t" <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there was another meeting of the Efland-Mebane Work <br />Group Follow-up Committee. There was a lot of discussion about alternatives to help protect <br />people who live in the Buckhorn community that want to remain in residential zoning without <br />being taxed as an economic development district. The proposal will be brought forward to the <br />Board and the community. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the Carolina North Work Group met again, and there <br />was some progress made in talking about preserving open space at Carolina North. He said <br />that he is continuing to advocate for schools and making sure that the University pays the full <br />cost of service for its impact on schools. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she attended the Orange Unified Transportation Board <br />meeting, the Recreation and Parks Advisory Commission meeting, and a joint transportation <br />meeting. She reported on the joint transportation meeting. The two groups - DCHC-MPO and <br />CAMPO - met on November 29t", along with representatives from TTA, Triangle J COG, and <br />others. The main topic was regional transportation planning for the Triangle and regional transit <br />planning. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the justice facilities and said that it is very <br />important to get staff input regarding the needs. <br />
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