Orange County NC Website
County. County may furnish alternate types of containers upon negotiation with ORS on type <br /> and capacity. County is responsible for the maintenance of any collection container which it <br /> chooses to provide. <br /> 2. The County agrees to educate employees at each service location as to the proper use of this <br /> recycling program. County will assist ORS in trouble shooting problems which may develop at <br /> specific locations, and provide continued feedback about this recycling program to the <br /> employees of the service locations through the employee newsletter or other forms of <br /> communication. <br /> 3. The County agrees to inform employees at each service location that materials collected are to <br /> be related to and/or generated during the course of the operations of business at that location. <br /> Materials are not to be brought in for collection from outside County operations or operations <br /> which are specific to that service location. <br /> 4. The County agrees to facilitate all communications between management and or employees at <br /> each service location and ORS. All complaints and requests for additional service will come <br /> from the County Department of Solid Waste Management. <br /> 5. The County will provide and maintain roll carts up to 90 gallons in capacity for the collection <br /> of corrugated cardboard at all sites listed on Attachment B. <br /> C. Billing and Payment <br /> 1. The County agrees to pay ORS for services rendered under this agreement within thirty days <br /> of receipt of an accurate invoice and collection data. <br /> D. Fee Schedule and Maximum Sum <br /> 1. County agrees to compensate ORS as agreed at a rate of$38 per collection per service <br /> location. All locations shall be collected on the frequency specified in Attachment A. If the <br /> regularly scheduled collection day is a holiday, then collection shall take place either the day <br /> prior to or the following the regularly scheduled service day. There may be a$38.00 per pick up <br /> charge for additional and or unscheduled pickups at any site. ORS agrees that it will not bill for <br /> unscheduled pickups unless notified of the need for the pick up by the office of the County Solid <br /> Waste Programs Manager or his representative. The unscheduled pick up fees do not apply to <br /> instances of containers missed during regularly scheduled pick ups. <br /> 2. County agrees to compensate ORS for cleaning contaminated materials at the rate of$10.00 <br /> per full drum prorated as necessary. If the Town decides to sort the materials itself and recycle <br /> them in existing uncontaminated drums, there will be no charge by ORS. <br /> 3. County agrees to compensate ORS at the rate of$170.00 per month for the collection of <br /> corrugated cardboard from all specified locations on Attachment B. Additional or unscheduled <br /> collections of corrugated cardboard, or collection of corrugated cardboard from a location other <br /> 5 <br />