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<br />Recommendations <br />^ Conduct aggressive outreach in LEP communities. <br />^ Build relationships that inform and strengfhen the existing government resources and <br />leverage knowledge and resources to reduce the impact of the LEP cammunities' barriers in <br />Orange County, <br />^ Enhance and continue the County's training and Development program, <br />Conclusion <br />This study attempts to make Orange County aware of the existance of its graving LEP <br />communities. <br />With this awareness, the County will be better equipped to provide quality service to all its <br />residents now and better prepared for the increase of its LEP communities over the next <br />decade. <br />Commissioner Foushee asked about the number of translators and interpreters and the <br />amount of funding for these positions. She made reference to the report that showed that <br />between DSS and Health, that $36,000 has already been spent to fund translators or <br />interpreters. She asked if there are other alternatives to provide the same type of services in a <br />different way instead of doing it by in a piece meal. <br />Milan Pham said that other localities with large LEP populations have dedicated LEP <br />staff and certified interpreters. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about recommendations and page 22 at the top (20 on the <br />bottom) and items `c' and `d'. He said that he generally supports all of the recommendations, <br />but he would like to see more information on items `c' and `d'. He would like more information <br />on the thresholds far item `c'. Also, for item `d', he said that this is a great idea in concept, but <br />he thinks that there is a possibility for collateral impacts and unintended consequences of salary <br />incentives for multi-lingual employees. <br />Commissioner Carey made reference to page 23, number 3, and said that he thinks that <br />as much as possible should be done to increase representation of the LEP communities an <br />volunteer boards and commissions, but he would like to encourage all minorities to serve on the <br />boards and commissions. He asked that African Americans be included in the recruitment <br />efforts. <br />Chair Jacobs supported comments about trying to look further into some of the ideas <br />that were brought up by the County Commissioners. <br />b. Upper Neuse River Basin Association <br />The Board received a presentation from Chris Dreps, the Coordinator of the Upper <br />Neuse River Basin Association (UNRBA) and its request for additional funding. <br />Chris Dreps is the Director of the UNRBA and this organization is one of 13 local <br />governments in the Falls Lake Basin and their purpose is to protect water supply. Orange <br />County has been a member since the beginning in 2003. He acknowledged that Commissioner <br />Carey and Chair Jacobs have been board members at one time or another. Commissioner <br />Carey is the current board member. He said that Orange County has been a strong member of <br />the UNRBA and they use Orange County's regulations as examples to others. <br />He said that he is here tonight because the State Division of Water Quality is now <br />studying the upper portion of Falls Lake and is conducting a nutrient management strategy <br />