Orange County NC Website
<br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the stream flaw in the Eno River and the old <br />agreement specifications not being enough. He asked the County Engineer to look at the two <br />deep wells that Orange-Alamance drilled on the banks of the Eno River and what impact this <br />had. Chair Jacobs said that there were unresolved questions from last April's Eno Confluence <br />and there will be another one next April. This information could be brought back before then. <br />4. County Manager's Report <br />Rod Visser asked Health Director Rosemary Summers and her staff to come forward to <br />be recognized with her Child Health Audit Team. This group won the Child Health Team <br />Outstanding Achievement Award for the Women's and Children's Section of the North Carolina <br />Public Health Association with citations for collaborating between nursing and social work and <br />delivering services to children, thorough and well-written program protocols, networking with <br />community partners around child health concerns, and a strong chart audit program with a peer <br />review approach. Rosemary Summers introduced the team. <br />The team is led by Clinical Services Supervisor Kathy Glasset. Dawn Green is the Clinic <br />Manager at the Whiffed Clinic and is responsible for the protocol development. Yvonne Upshur <br />runs the Health for Kids program. Becky Herman is the Supervisor of Family Home Visiting <br />Section. Sandy Garret and Dale Renfro were both absent. <br />Rod Visser said that he received a report from the Director of Elections about how well <br />early voting is going. <br />Rod Visser said that Emergency Management Director Jack Ball announced his <br />resignation several weeks ago. He said that he very much appreciates the professionalism and <br />dedication that Jack Ball brought to his work for Orange County for two years. He said that he <br />has asked the Deputy Director of Emergency Management Kent McKenzie to serve as the <br />Interim Emergency Management Director. <br />Rad Visser said that there was discussion at the last County Commissioners' meeting <br />about the six-mile fire district maps. The staff has been working on developing sample maps <br />that would show six-mile maps so that citizens that live within six miles of a fire station should <br />be able to receive better rates on fire insurance. <br />Rod Visser reported that the compressed natural gas station at the Public Works site in <br />Hillsborough should be up and running by the end of November. <br />5. Items for Decision--Consent Agenda <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve those items on the consent agenda as stated below: <br />a, Minutes -None <br />b. Aanointments -None <br />c. Jail Inspection Report <br />The Board received the jail inspection report for August 30, 2006 from the North Carolina <br />Department of Health and Human Services. <br />d. Property Tax Releases <br />The Board adapted a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, to release property values <br />related to one (1) request for property tax release in accordance with N.C. General Statute 105- <br />381. <br />e. Property Value Changes <br />The Board adopted a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, approving value changes <br />made in property values after the 2006 Board of Equalization and Review has adjourned. <br />